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Steinberg ? New: Studio Grand Piano TBO MKII

Larry Shelby

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  • Larry Shelby changed the title to Steinberg 🎹 New: Studio Grand Piano TBO MKII
6 hours ago, Craig Fowler said:

Pricing seems a mite ambitious given Sampletekk's regular and generous sales!

That's the reality developers that engage in deep discounting face. Once they discount a product 70 percent or more, it can be very difficult to convince the market that the full retail price is the true value of that library. I've been a Sampletekk customer for two decades and they (Per) have been superb and worthy of recommending. But, to your point, we've all been trained to buy during their seasonal sales where they offer massive discounts and now, even seeing this library for far less than the regular price of $149 US requiring the full version of KONTAKT gets a less than positive reaction that the price is too high. 

On the positive side, this version includes a free sample player (Sampletekk's $149 version requires the full version of KONTAKT). While I agree with Kitekrazy that KONTAKT is superior to HALion, I think HALion is decent and HALion Sonic 7 is a good option for free.  I'm certain that the $69.99 US full retail price will be discounted in future sales promotions. If this went on sale at  $50 US or less, I think it would be very worthy of consideration for those who don't own KONTAKT.  Of course, even at that price point, there's a good deal of competition (e.g., grand piano libraries with free samplers such as NIs pianos on their 50% off sales,  XLN's Addictive Keys Grand on sale, SoundPaint's regular priced piano libraries, etc.).  

On a separate note, if this is indeed the same quality as the KONTAKT version,  the KONTAKT version is clearly not priced appropriately.  

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