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How to create a new track from a track template entirely via midi ?

Mike Davies

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1 hour ago, Glenn Stanton said:

meaning using MIDI to create the new track, then trigger the arming and begin record? maybe using a MIDI controller to perform the steps in conjunction with some form of macro tool?

Yes, I intend to use a midi pedal and want to be able to create the track just by pressing the button on the pedal.  I would rather do it entirely within Cakewalk though, I really don't want to use an external macro tool.



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I don't think you'll be able to do this with a single pedal, but you could probably do it with two:

1. In Preferences->MIDI->Playback and Recording:   Make sure "Allow MIDI Recording without an Armed Track" is checked

2. In Keyboard shortcuts:  assign one MIDI note to "Insert->MIDI Track", and another to "Record".   You should make the keys as high as possible (e.g. F#9 / G9 ), as low keys are quite often used a key switches.

3. Assign your pedal to send out the notes assigned in (2)

Now you'll be able to hit one pedal to insert the MIDI track, and the other to record.

Of course if your MIDI pedal device can send out one note, wait 0.5 secs, then send the other note all from a single pedal, then you'll be able to do it with a single pedal.

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