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Issue while recording vocals - SOLVED


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This is about a new project.   When I record vocals, it records fine.  However, if I want to go back and change something in the vocal track, what I recorded turns a lighter color (as in photo).  And there is no sound with the vocals I recorded earlier.  You can hear the new vocal I recorded, but not the old.  I don't know what's causing it.  The light color vocal strip is not highlighted.  That's the way it is.




Edited by greg54
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  • greg54 changed the title to Issue while recording vocals

1)Take the gray clip and right clip it there is a clip mute which would make it look like you photo.  It could just be “clip muted

2)Save to a new project name like song 02

 3) Take song 02 select the gray clip and bounce it to a clip. If that does not work, select both clips and bounce to clip. 

It looks like the clip is on top of the other one???  You could also try CTRL-drag gray clip to another track. See what happens then.


good luck

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  • greg54 changed the title to Issue while recording vocals - SOLVED

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