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McDSP New BOB APB Plug-in

Larry Shelby

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McDSP is excited to be shipping the all new BOB (Bass Optimized Bias) APB Plug-in. The BOB APB plug-in boosts low frequencies in the same way as the original BOB module from the 6060 Ultimate Module collection, with additional analog processing options. All original BOB module controls are in the BOB APB plug-in - Bias, Frequency, Squash, Rate, and Bias Modes A and B. A new two stage analog signal path in the BOB APB plug-in further enhances the original bass optimized bias using three new controls - Gain, Trim/HR (Headroom), and Analog Modes I and II. Metering of the overall gain reduction, Squash gain reduction, input, and output, is shown via two VU style meters on the far left and right of the user interface.



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