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D16 Group Sigmund 2 Intro Sale for $59

Larry Shelby

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4 hours ago, Starship Krupa said:

Really though, how far is a discussion about a product derailed by talking about whether it's worth the money to upgrade to it from an earlier version and comparing the company's upgrade policies to similar companies'?

First glance review: I coughed up the $19 for Sigmund 2 and consider it a worthy purchase. The factory presets for Sigmund have always been strong, and there are way more of them. In an existing project where I was using a Sigmund preset, I swapped in Sigmund 2 and had no trouble locating the same preset in Sigmund 2, so either they are compatible or they went to the trouble of duplicating the sound of the old presets in the new product. The visual arrangement of the modules is clearer as far as signal flow. The UI is now resizable and there is a VST3 version.

I haven't delved deeply enough to know about the other new features, but the ones I mentioned are enough to make the product worth the $20.

If you, like me, can never get enough Glitchmachine-y Unfiltered Audio-ish soundbendering plug-ins, you'll drop the price of a Burger King meal on it and not regret it.

They use to do group buys. It was on KVR that I first heard of D16 and asked why people were so into that group buy.  Oddly enough without resizable GUIs we look at bigger screens but the software looks small.  We get hi res screens only to sit closer.

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15 minutes ago, kitekrazy said:

They use to do group buys. It was on KVR that I first heard of D16 and asked why people were so into that group buy.

I picked up both Drumazon and Sigmund as either PB freebies or magazineware. Another reason to be fine with kicking them a few dollars.

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