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Certain clips are greyed out

Sloth Net

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I was working on my song project and working on programming bass and randomly everything got greyed out. the midi tracks as well. all of it got muted. I've checked it and it is not muted. it is not locked in anyway. i checked some of the other posts about this but nothing seemed to work. Id appreciate if someone could give me some tips on how I resolve this issue.

Screenshot 2024-03-06 172128.png

Screenshot 2024-03-06 172331.png

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Hard to know without seeing the entire track view. If the muting is across multiple tracks, I would guess some other track is soloed. If the grayed clips are in lanes of the same track I would guess you clicked one of them in lower half where the Comp tool is active, which would mute everything else in that region. In that case, selecting all the grayed clips and hitting K should unmute them.

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