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Behind Enemy Lines

Lynn Wilson

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This being an election year inspired me to put some of my thoughts to music, and this song is the result.  I've been playing with the mix for several months until I hit on this version.  I'm now ready for comments to see if I'm heading in the right direction.  As always, I'm thankful for your contributions and ideas.

It can be found here:  https://soundclick.com/share.cfm?id=14618237

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Lynn, I always listen to your songs several times to appreciate the accompanying bits you do so well (and maybe steal them ?)  No exception here and I agree with Daryl about the chorus which is still playing in my head hours later.  Great job.

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23 hours ago, daryl1968 said:

I just listened to this over on that social network that we go to....

Brilliant mate. Love it. The chorus is amazing and I wish I wrote it

Daryl, thank you two times for listening.  Your words are  highly encouraging!


18 hours ago, bjornpdx said:

Lynn, I always listen to your songs several times to appreciate the accompanying bits you do so well (and maybe steal them ?)  No exception here and I agree with Daryl about the chorus which is still playing in my head hours later.  Great job.

Bjorn, I'm sorry about the earworm, but whatever it takes ;)  You encourage me, as well!  Thanks a million!

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Great stuff!  I like this mix. Very dense, and yet I can easily isolate everything in every direction. Solid guitar work & lyric combined with an interesting sentiment.

Believe me, I know the work that went into this.  Much appreciated. - Daniel

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3 hours ago, Sailor55 said:

Great stuff!  I like this mix. Very dense, and yet I can easily isolate everything in every direction. Solid guitar work & lyric combined with an interesting sentiment.

Believe me, I know the work that went into this.  Much appreciated. - Daniel

I appreciate you, Daniel!  I did let this one simmer for quite a while, but I'm starting to see the endzone, at last.


5 hours ago, jack c. said:

great guitar tone.drums seem a tad loose.bring up kick and snare.jack c

Hi Jack, thanks for your suggestion.   The drums are preset grooves from Superior Drummer 3, so if anything is loose, it's probably the guitars or bass.  I'll listen for that.

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What a powerhouse of a song.  Yes the guitar work is great - as i s the bass.  The arrangement and timing used in the song was creative and doggone good!  Your vocals and harmonies were equally as good.  The lyrics were excellent and very poignant for today.  I always enjoy the "additions" that you include in your songs.

Excellent work  and well done pal!

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On 3/3/2024 at 8:54 AM, mark skinner said:

Great job on All of the vox Lynn !   I thought the intro panning was perfect , it really set the song up nicely. 

Enjoyed All of it ..  Great Chorus ..               mark

Thank you, Mark!  Very encouraging words from a master!


23 hours ago, Old Joad said:

I love the guitar work on this tune, and the lyrics are great.?

Your words are greatly appreciated!  I'm feeling even more encouraged.


14 hours ago, freddy j said:

What a powerhouse of a song.  Yes the guitar work is great - as i s the bass.  The arrangement and timing used in the song was creative and doggone good!  Your vocals and harmonies were equally as good.  The lyrics were excellent and very poignant for today.  I always enjoy the "additions" that you include in your songs.

Excellent work  and well done pal!

Fred, you've always been very supportive of my music, and I'm always grateful!  Comments like these make it all worthwhile.

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Well done    Lynn .. But you did  have me at the last beat  ....

Excellent lyrics, but you godda listen to get them cause they are well  deep.  This one is almost progressive but you still have a Beatles vibe / break, in you stuff ... I may have to take you up on Keg offer ?.  Love to do that chorus with you with pint on the amp stack  LOL ;)

Stay Loose




( BTW just invested in EZKeys on your recommendation Woooa!! )

Edited by Supa Reels
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On 3/8/2024 at 8:40 AM, Supa Reels said:

Well done    Lynn .. But you did  have me at the last beat  ....

Excellent lyrics, but you godda listen to get them cause they are well  deep.  This one is almost progressive but you still have a Beatles vibe / break, in you stuff ... I may have to take you up on Keg offer ?.  Love to do that chorus with you with pint on the amp stack  LOL ;)

Stay Loose




( BTW just invested in EZKeys on your recommendation Woooa!! )

Thank you very much, Steve!  I'd love to do some pints with you and talk about lyrics.  Yours have always intrigued me, and I'm just trying to keep up :)  I hope you enjoy EZKeys as much as I do.

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On 3/8/2024 at 9:11 AM, hsmusic said:

Enjoyed the track Lynn, well done!

Thank you so much for your kind words!


8 hours ago, Bajan Blue said:

Hi Lynn - great track and as a bit of lyrics person myself, loved the lyrics - really excellent

Great playing throughout and mix was really good

Very cool



I appreciate your comments so much, Nigel!  You've been an inspiration!

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On 3/11/2024 at 8:20 AM, subvibe said:


Great sounding & a wide mix

a song with tons of power 



Thank you for your comments, which are greatly appreciated!  I've been enjoying your smooth, jazzy songs for a while, so your words are meaningful to me.


On 3/11/2024 at 9:46 AM, Wookiee said:

Nice :) 

Thank you so much, kind sir!

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