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Midi won't record

Ted K

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Hey kids,

So I'm using Sonar Artist. I've got my Roland D-5 all midi'd to my system. I've my ins and outs all correct. I inserted the Cakewalk Sound Center VST inserted into a track. If I hit any key on the Roland, Sonar receives the audio signal fine, it even displays the signal on the meter in the midi track. So that tells me it's getting a signal. I hit record, play the part and it record no midi data. 

Thinking that I did something incorrect, I inserted a midi channel into the song, set up the ins and outs and again, it receives a signal but won't print the midi data in the channel.

What am I missing/doing wrong?

Thanks in advance for your help.


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Welcome to the forum.
There is no audio with MIDI, only data. The meter movement you see is not audio, but activity. Assuming you're using a MIDI track and not a Simple Instrument Track.
Does the track have an input selected? Yes, you have activity.
Arm the track, then press record.

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I do understand the MIDI is only data.  When inserting a soft synth, Sonar gives me three "tracks" one of which is an audio signal from the keyboard, one is the synth folder and the 3rd is the MIDI part. All three meters are showing activity when I play the keyboard and naturally, I hear the audio of what I'm playing.  When I arm the track and press record, the song progresses but no MIDI data is recorded on the track. 

If I alter any of the ins or outs or Channels I get no response. I'm just wondering if if Sonar is not recognizing one of my ins or outs. I don't know. BUT, and this is what blows my mind. On this particular song, it doesn't work, but on another song it works fine. I've tried duplicating everything but it still doesn't work. My only last resort  effort will be to just over-write the existing song with the one that does work and start over.

Baffled yet?

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