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Behringer Edge for $117.35

Ron Stranghoener

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5 hours ago, e-cue said:

it just showed up in my cart...  I am a prime member- dunno if that matters.  

With Amazon, if an item isn't in stock, they usually won't allow you to add it to your cart.  How did you add it to your cart?  There is no button available to ADD the item to my cart and I'm a PRIME member as well.

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At the time, it gave me that "order now, shipped when back in stock" option or whatever it was called at the time, so it's still kinda iffy here but no cancelation yet.  At $117, I'd still cop it, and I even circled back to get a 2nd one for a gift today but only see the "add to list" option.  I tried reproducing the StockUp discount with a bunch of other behringer items with no luck.  


These types of things have been known to come back, so if someone see's that option, maybe report back here.  

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