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Kontakt 7 blur - flickering in Cakewalk


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Overall Kontakt 7 so far was not a happy ride for me.  While I figured out most issues, this one I can't.  Kontakt 7 flickering, becoming blurry, like Jello in Cakewalk. Only in Cakewalk. 

1)Kontakt 7 doesn't have this UI issues in Reaper

2) I don't experience any such plugin UI distortions with other VST makers in Cakewalk.

3) A Standalone Kontakt doesn't have flickering issues.

I've read that people experiencing this flicker with MacOS or if they have Nvidea GPU. ( talking about disabling g-sync, whatever that means)

I am on Windows 11 and use Intel iRISx for graphics, not nvidea. 

P.S. Another clue is... When I tried to capture screen to show this blur/flickering, recording didn't reflect that, while I could witness it on my screen while recording.


Was this mentioned before? Is there a cure for this annoyance?

Thank you in advance! 

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OutrageProductions, thanks,

I believe openGL is one of pre-requisites of Kontakt 7.  Strange that this only happening in Cakewalk.  

I tried various High DPI options, reducing frequency from 120>60hz... nothing seems to help.

Super annoying, like starring at those monitors from mid 90s. 

Also, I found it strange that screen capture looks fine... So I took a short clip with my phone:


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5 hours ago, Misha said:

I believe openGL is one of pre-requisites of Kontakt 7.  Strange that this only happening in Cakewalk.  

Tis strange indeed. The graphics Req's for K7 are: Graphics hardware support for OpenGL 2.1 or higher and Direct 3D 11.1 (Feature Level 11_0) or higher.

Maybe check your system specs just to be sure. (I know that both of my graphics cards are near EOL support. [big sigh...])

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A prominent audio recording community member EvilDragon replied on another forum, that flickering  is a known issue, not yet fixed (over a year!)   I guess, it's system specific stuff.  What is strange to me that it works fine in Reaper, but flickers in Cakewalk.  

My computer is 2 years old, I don't think EOL applies :)

I am highly disappointed in NI.  They have wonderful musicians & engineers working for them, but when it comes to issues, it seems you are on your own. A few short years ago they even had a customer phone service... One of the last email conversations  took 9(!) days for rep to answer.  Unfortunately I already bought some instruments that don't work on Kontakt 6, so only thing is left is to nag and bother their highness customer service.

P.S. It seems, main feature of upcoming Sonar will be vector graphics. I wonder if Kontakt 7 will behave in new Sonar on my setup? 



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It's not so much of MY system, as in Reaper it (K7) works fine, so as a standalone. There must be something how it works in Cakewalk environment. Or a combination of things.

Sonar MIGHT be different, because it will be vector based, so no funny business with up scaling or such (which I think might be the culprit) :)  But it's only a guess...



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Quality control at NI has gone drastically down hill in the last couple of years. It's not just Cakewalk. There are at least two NI products that don't work properly in Studio One, Maschine and Reaktor 6. It's a problem with not following the VST implementation spec when it comes to NI. Like rolling the dice with them when it comes to every update. 

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