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Backing tracks; export them from CW as stereo or mono?


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Hi all

Still a bit confused about this. I've got my backing tracks edited, LUFS sorted ( thanks all for that advice!) etc. Click track panned to the right, main track to left, splitter cable from my iPad  can send click track to monitors, main track to front of house. But i still cant grasp the significance of exporting in stereo or mono? I exported in stereo ( CW default option) and it seems to work. Am I missing something or is this ok? Or is it ok either way?

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If a stereo effect is on the track, then you want stereo. Or if it's a keyboard track and you want the bassy notes on the left and treble on the right as if you were sitting at the piano, then stereo.
Guitars or vocal tracks with no stereo effects? They should have already been recorded in mono and should probably remain that way.

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23 minutes ago, 57Gregy said:

If a stereo effect is on the track, then you want stereo. Or if it's a keyboard track and you want the bassy notes on the left and treble on the right as if you were sitting at the piano, then stereo.
Guitars or vocal tracks with no stereo effects? They should have already been recorded in mono and should probably remain that way.

He said he's sending click on one side and backing on another, at least that's what I understood...

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Yes, thats the problem I'm wanting to avoid, the click needs to be on the right and it goes to the red lead and into a separate mixer channel, front of house output turned off, and monitor output turned up so we can hear the click but not the audience. so stereo when exporting seems to  the answer. Thanks both for help!

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