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Mackie Control Universal and Arturia Keylab 88 Mk II

Dave Maffris

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I recently picked up an older Mackie Control Universal control surface (the one with the old faders and no USB connection, just MIDI), and have it up and running, more or less, despite some issues with a fader or two. However, I also picked up an Arturia Keylab 88 Mk II, and I cannot get it to control cakewalk at all--it barely allows me to select Arturia's software patches, and no transport control, select tracks, record, etc. So far, I tried to set it up as a 2nd control surface, using the Mackie protocol. Not only does it not work at all, but I had some problems with the Arturia keyboard not producing audio--if I delete the 2nd control surface (Arturia) at least Cakewalk works and my Mackie control works. I'm wondering if it's not possible to have both the Arturia controller active and the Mackie at the same time, or whether the settings fare conflicting (for example, I need to check "disable handshake" for the Arturia controller to connect, but Mackie works better with that box unchecked). Has anyone successfully set up both control surface simultaneously in CbB? If so, perhaps you could give me some tips. So far, whatever I've tried (not much) has failed, so it's frustrating to have this keyboard with so many features and not be able to use them. Thanks in advance. 

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