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Novation Sound Collective - Puremagnetik Ambient Tools Free

Larry Shelby

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I need more user to try to see if these work.  I posted this issue on Novation's FB page.  Of course there is always someone that claims they work.  BTW if you google about these plugins there is hardly anything about them.

The first clue that Pure have not clue what they were doing is their installer.

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For me they all failed in Cubase 10's first scan and were put on the blacklist.  But I was able to enable them one at a time in the plugin manager (which isn't uncommon, lots of plugins fail first scans).  Once "approved" they do show up and they will open and did mostly seem to work.  But they sounded bad and crashed pretty easily.  So I wouldn't say completely broken, but pretty close.  I'm planning to uninstall them.  They just aren't worth it.

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  On 10/5/2019 at 4:50 PM, Matthew Sorrels said:

For me they all failed in Cubase 10's first scan and were put on the blacklist.  But I was able to enable them one at a time in the plugin manager (which isn't uncommon, lots of plugins fail first scans).  Once "approved" they do show up and they will open and did mostly seem to work.  But they sounded bad and crashed pretty easily.  So I wouldn't say completely broken, but pretty close.  I'm planning to uninstall them.  They just aren't worth it.


Mine failed in Reaper, Bandlab, FL, and of course Cubase pretty much said "what's this shit?" .   I wasn't going to chance it in other DAWs. 

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It's not uncommon for plugins to be written so they use resources that other plugins and/or the DAW are also using.  C/C++ runtime's usually.  Sometimes that shared usage can be a problem.  So by themselves they might scan and work OK, but other plugins you have (which get scanned first/before them) cause them to not work correctly.  I've seen this a bunch of times.  iLok protected plugins usually don't scan on the first go for me, but will work ok if you un-blacklist them.

Oddly enough they only got blacklisted in Cubase for me.  Cbb and (just now checking) Reaper were OK with them.

Even if they were 100% stable, they aren't very good/useful/interesting/worth the time.  Puremagnetik does have some nice loop/sample packs, but I'm not sure their VST products are that great.

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From Puremagnetik's FAQ, for those of you who want to give these a go:


"In Windows, my host (Cubase, Machine, FL Studio etc) does not recognize or play the VST.

Please start the host as Admin (right click on program and select "Run as Admin"). If that solved the problem you should only have to do it this one time and open the host normally from now on.

If the VST has been blacklisted, please remove the VST and Csound.dll from the blacklist (if your host allows)"


"I installed a VST but it does not show up in Windows.

Please follow these important points to be sure that your Puremagnetik VST loads

• Be sure to run the included installer as admin (i.e., right click the .exe and select 'Run as administrator').

• Choose your VST folder as the destination directory.

• In order for this VST to function correctly, you must install it directly into your working VST directory.

• Your VST folder must be chosen within your host's VST preferences. Sometimes you must toggle the folder selection on/off and rescan your VST folder for it to recognize the plug-in.

• If the folder is moved or renamed you must reinstall the VST in order to fix the file references used for this plugin."

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