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Take Lane Clip Colors

Bill Phillips

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How can I set clip colors for Take Lanes? Any suggestions or clarification appreciated  

I like to set clip colors to match track colors because it seems to help me navigate. However, when I have multiple takes that process seems to fall apart. In this  screenshot, I think that T3 was selected when I assigned the color to track 1. So the clip for that take is the same as the track color. However, I can't seem to change the clip color for T4. Notice that I've set the T4 Foreground color to match the track color in the clip inspector but that didn't change the clip color. What am I missing?

Also, I really don't like the low contrast light gray default color for take clips. Is there some way to change that? My theme is Tungsten.  I didn't see take lane color options under preferences.

Edited by Bill Phillips
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Hi Bill,

That doesn't seem right. I'd expect to see something more like this:


Any chance you could PM me a copy of your project? If so, I can take a look and try to figure out where it's going wrong for you.

Edit: The light gray colors are there to indicate muted clips (not shown in my screenshot). Could that be what you're seeing?

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