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"S" Gets In My Way


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Since the last update (2019.7) sometimes when I go to use the Aim Assist, it changes to an "S" with  two vertical lines and will not let me use the Aim Assist there till I can somehow click my way past it.  It's like some kind of marker I'm not asking for.  I just want the Aim Assist to mark my measure/beat.  How do I disable this "S" so I just get the Aim Assist?


?John B

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Your first example with the "S" to the far right is what I'm talking about.  This gets in my way when I'm trying to use what you point to in your second example as B.

I'd like to disable the "S" because at least initially, this S comes up on the timeline and temporarily makes it so I cannot place the  cursor for the Aim assist (B) where I want it.


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As Chuck suggested, you can Ctrl+Shift+A to deselect everything.  Alternatively, I've found that if you hover in the very narrow band of the timeline below the MBT scale, you won't get the selection marker tool cursor popping up when nearby.

Edited by David Baay
Corrected shortcut reference. Thanks, Chuck.
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  On 10/2/2019 at 3:56 PM, Johnbee58 said:

I'd like to disable the "S" because at least initially, this S comes up on the timeline and temporarily makes it so I cannot place the  cursor for the Aim assist (B) where I want it.


I may actually be more confused after reading this ^^ then your initial OP.

how is the "S" in the timeline blocking Aim assist ? Aim assist will move with the mouse in TV. you don't have to be in the timeline.

You cant turn it off, you can only incorporate the use of shortcut Cntrl+Shift+A into your workflow.

There is another thread with a similar topic here. I personally don't really feel like expressing my thoughts twice on this issue in two separate threads.

But I will leave you with this quote from that thread..

  On 10/2/2019 at 1:52 PM, Chuck E Baby said:

Im not really a big fan of it and wish there were a way to turn it off. But, I also haven't put forth the effort of using it my workflow yet, so it would be unfair of me to just say its useless.




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this -||- annoys me as well.  I use the time line  to go where I want the now time or play at but around the beginning and end of a clip or at a marker I no long can.  Sure I can deselect, but what if I'm working on that clip and want to play at its start?  I found that the the tiny area below the 'ruler' won't block but you must have steady hand to hover in that area.

Please have the option to turn it off.  thx

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  On 10/9/2019 at 10:11 PM, micv said:

this -||- annoys me as well.  I use the time line  to go where I want the now time or play at but around the beginning and end of a clip or at a marker I no long can.  Sure I can deselect, but what if I'm working on that clip and want to play at its start?  I found that the the tiny area below the 'ruler' won't block but you must have steady hand to hover in that area.

Please have the option to turn it off.  thx


Amen to that!  Please work on an option to disable it.  In fact, I don't remember it being a problem before the last one or two updates.

?John B

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  On 10/9/2019 at 10:11 PM, micv said:

this -||- annoys me as well. 


Me as well, it really f's w/ my workflow, and I would also like to be able to disable it. I don't want to have to deselect everything; not only is that an extra gesture I'd have to perform in order to do something unrelated, but maybe there's something selected that I want to remain selected and we shouldn't have to deselect anything just to be able to do what we're trying to do here.

This "S" thing is relatively new too.. What's its function exactly? 

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I don't get it. I played around with loop markers, punchmarkers and now with selection markers. It' s better to have those markers than not IMHO. For example, S1 didn't have punch markers in V3.5 and I was really pissed of with that. What's the problem? You don't need the timeline to set an "Aim Assist" or Now time. So what's wrong with more capabilities?

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I think it's a throwing a wrench into the way a man is used to working and having to negotiate a slight learning curve real quick when trying to do something the same way he's used to being able to do it regardless of whether or not the new way would be more efficient and productive once you get the hang of it.. we're creatures of habit - we're Men! and we like our steak and potato, not this impossible whopper nonsense ??

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  On 10/10/2019 at 4:03 AM, mkerl said:

You don't need the timeline to set an "Aim Assist" or Now time.


where would you click then? what if you don't have an empty space where you want to place your cursor to set now time?  click on a clip will select that clip also and if you are not careful with a slight movement you will move the clip inadvertently.

I like the new marker feature, but just want to be able to click through it or anywhere on the timeline.  It just doesn't make sense that you cannot at a certain spot.

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Hi all,
I've been experimenting with this, based on the the feedback here.
It's not really an issue when you're showing two or more time formats in the time ruler (MBT, HMSF, etc), because you can click underneath the selection handles to set the Now Time.
But there's not enough space to do that when there's only a single time format showing, so I can see how they might get in the way sometimes.
Let me discuss it with Noel et al. No promises, but there may be a way to bypass/mitigate the problem.

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