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Steel Drums

John Vere

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Cakewalk staff got right back to me regarding the Dump file. That's impressive. 

So I opened a basic project and played around with Sound paint for at least  30 minutes changing patches etc. No crashes so far. There's only one that is closest to dry and you have to even edit that to get rid of the stupid amount of reverb they put on it.  Boy is it ever sensitive to velocity. A little too much and it sounds terrible. 

If it crashes again I might try using the VST-2 version. 

Just downloading the rest of the free stuff. Pretty cool ambient and percussion weirdness. Good thing I  a of lot of storage space. 

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3 hours ago, Variorum said:

Awww man... I wish I'd seen this sooner. I still have my $15 referral invite from Soundpaint for first time buyers. You could've gotten it for free :(

It’s Ok I would have felt guilty. I don’t mind spotting developers $15 or even $30. But it has to be incredibly awesome to get much more than that out of me. This is a hobby. Sort of, I do make backing tracks that I use at gigs I’m paid for.  
In the end I’m not overly impressed with the steel drum from Soundpaint and have returned to using the Marimba in Xpand. Looks like TTS-1 is still a good bet but I don’t like to keep it in projects. 

I was back and forth with Cakewalk support re the crash dumps. But so far all they keep saying is open the project in safe mode, ?? The projects open just fine. I have no clue why they crashed and it appears either do they.  They haven’t crashed for a week.  You start to think you’re taking to an AI after a while.  

Edited by John Vere
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