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Hornet plugins

Max Arwood

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Some of them are really great, some of them are useful, some of them are a bit dodgy, all of them are buggy when first released, they beta test them as released, so 5 versions are released in the first week, all of them are ridiculously cheap with the sales, all of them have demos.

I own practically everyone they released because they are so cheap, but because of owning all of them, It probably cost me $200, which is the most probably spent for me of all plugin companies.   So the very cheap prices ends up being profitable for them.

I would say Hornet and Melda plugins are amongst some of the best,   My favourite one is Analog stage mk 1, 

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  • 1 month later...

Especially in their price range, HoRNet plugins are (often) really worth the money.  That said, they also build plugins that do pretty much the same as others. They have quite some EQs, compressors, auto-gain tools etc. No need to buy them all. 

Personally I'm quite happy with their TotalEQ , MasterTool, Hornet Angle and their HA2A opto-electric compressor. BUT I've also downloaded / purchased a bunch of others, where I ask myself: "Why?"...

They also regularly invite their customers for free webinars where new plugins are demonstrated and one can ask questions. Quite some effort is made to inform customers. Also, once on their mailing list, you get multiple "75% off"-offers (or something similar) for selected plugins, at least once or twice a week. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 1/16/2024 at 2:38 PM, Mr No Name said:

all of them are buggy when first released

I agree with this (maybe not ALL of them). IME, the bugs usually come down to host-specific issues.

My guess is that Saverio doesn't test in a wide variety of hosts before he ships. He probably doesn't have a QA staff, and his site has no invitation to become a beta tester. If nothing else, a beta program would allow him to check compatibility on a wider variety of hosts before releasing.

I bought his latest offering, which claims to produce similar results to Oeksound Soothe, and it doesn't work in Cakewalk (yet). There's really no excuse for this; Cakewalk is a free DAW. And I'm sure he could easily get NFR copies of any DAW he wanted from the manufacturers. It took me a matter of minutes to find out that it crashed in Cakewalk.

That said, he does seem very diligent about fixing these problems. Doing it before he starts selling the plug-in would be a great idea.

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