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Nonlineair display of waveform


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Now we only see lineair levels in de waveform display with audio recordings.

This takes a lot of empty screenspace.

To see details with low levels you have to expand the audio track to full screen.

Can we get a setting to get logarithmic audiolevel display of the waveform?

Also show as rectified maybe usefull.

Below waveform display of Adobe Premiere, even on a laptop you get a good view of the audio.


Normal display, details are not visible (Cakewalk)


Nonlineair display  (Premiere Pro)


rectified+ nonlineair display  (Premiere Pro)


rectified display   (Premiere Pro)



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when i need to be surgical on an audio clip, i just use the right tools like audio file editors (SoundForge, Acoustica, RX, etc etc) and leave the DAW stuff for the, er, DAW stuff... nice that the paid $$$ version of Adobe Premiere Pro does that, but why not just use tools meant for the job?

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