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Melodyne, can't see clip notes in editor

Roger W

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Using Melodyne Studio 5 . . . .

In a song, I've got 4 different clips with separate Melodyne Regions.

I select a clip, then choose "Show region in Editor". It shows the selected region in the Editor.

If I select another clip, then choose "Show region in Editor", it will not show the newly selected region in the Editor, but instead stays with the 1st region I worked on.

I went to the Melodyne online manual, and it says there is a button on the Editor window Pane to show all instances in plugin, but there is not.

If I close down Cake, then reopen, I can then work on another region in the editor. But when I want to work on a second region, I can't make it show in the Editor.

Has anyone seen this problem and come up with a solution?



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I figured it out . . . after wasting an hour of being frustrated at trying many useless things, including going to Melodyne's online Help.
(Maybe the answer is somewhere in the documentation, but searching the documentation didn't bring me there . . . something I often experience with documentation in general.)

As I said, if you've already edited a region, you can't just select another clip with a different region and have the notes for that clip appear in the editor. In that way it's different than a midi clip.

You also can disappear the Editor by hitting "D", and the Editor will disappear. But if you open it again, that same previous region is shown, not the region of the newly selected clip that you need to work on.

The solution:
You have to close down the Editor by Xing out the tab for the Editor at the bottom of the screen. Then, when you double-click another Melodyne-region clip, the Editor will pop up showing the notes for that clip.

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This is why it is recommended to render the clip when you are done. It’s not a big deal to simply re open it if for some reason you still hate what you did. 
I have assigned the Z key to open Melodyne and X key to render. I can open and close clips pretty quickly this way. 
Leaving clips un rendered uses way more CPU and Memory every time you play the clip. 

Edited by John Vere
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