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Buzzing and crackling sounds

Nigel Jackson

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I’m a real novice with Cakewalk and only use it in a very limited way - I use the Steven Slate Drums plugin in a single track and run my e-drum kit via my Focusrite Scarlett via MIDI. I have Cakewalk on my HP laptop, all works fine.

Last week I decided to setup my old Microsoft Surface Book laptop with Cakewalk and use that for the drum kit so I can leave it connected and don’t need to use my business laptop (the HP) for the drums. Previously everything worked fine when using the Surface, but now, when I start to play the sound is fine, but after a minute or so I start to hear loud buzzing and crackling sounds, that continue when I stop playing. The settings in Cakewalk and for the Scarlett are identical between the 2 laptops, but only the Surface Book generates these sounds. If I shutdown Cakewalk the noises stop.

I have no idea where to start looking to troubleshoot this issue - can someone guide me where to look and what to check? Thanks.

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Windows updates, driver updates etc. can cause changes. Installing new software or applications can also cause issues.

The best way to check what is causing it is to use Resplendence Latencymon to check for things that could be causing dropouts. 

Also, knowing what your audio interface is, the driver model used and bit depth and sample rate you are using can help people help you trouble shoot.

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I posted the video first because if you follow everything I go over then that rules out the majority of common issues people always have. 
It’s not clear now if you actually watched it so we are still in the place where we really don’t know anything about your set up. Only that you have laptops and a Scarlett interface.  
As posted above it’s hard to troubleshoot these issues with no real information. Driver mode, buffer settings, computer specs, optimization, types of plug ins used all this is important. 
So don’t be shy and try for more details.  
Anyways it’s always a plug in.  

Edited by John Vere
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi John, hopefully you’ll see this update! 

I’ve been through the setup again from scratch, checking against your video. Software downloaded afresh from Bandlab, Steve Slate Drums and Focusrite so def the latest versions. The issue is still there.

BUT - what I noticed today was that even if Cakewalk isn’t running, when the Scarlett is plugged into the laptop so the laptop sounds are playing through the monitors connected to the Scarlett, I hear the buzzing whenever there’s a Windows sound playing. So it seems the issue isn’t with Cakewalk, it’s either with the laptop sound drivers/system or on the Focusrite side. Can you suggest where I should look next?


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30 minutes ago, Nigel Jackson said:

I’ve been through the setup again from scratch, checking against your video. Software downloaded afresh from Bandlab, Steve Slate Drums and Focusrite so def the latest versions. The issue is still there.

BUT - what I noticed today was that even if Cakewalk isn’t running, when the Scarlett is plugged into the laptop so the laptop sounds are playing through the monitors connected to the Scarlett, I hear the buzzing whenever there’s a Windows sound playing. So it seems the issue isn’t with Cakewalk, it’s either with the laptop sound drivers/system or on the Focusrite side. Can you suggest where I should look next?


You may be getting getting digital noise interference from the Surface Book laptop itself (probably from the graphics components)

Make sure all drivers (for the Surface Book itself as well as the Scarlett) are up to date

Do you hear the buzzing when you plug headphones directly into the Scarlett?

Do your monitors accept balanced inputs and, if so, are you using balanced cables between the Scarlett and the monitors.

Even if balanced cables do not solve this particular issue, I still recommend you use them.

Note: This is from experience with a 2nd gen Focusrite 2i2.  I had buzzing from the PC’s graphics card..  Changed to balanced cables between the 2i2 and the mixer.  No more buzzing.

Edited by Promidi
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