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Dial knob to edit time at an specific bar.

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Hi gang! I was wondering if anyone here is aware of some tool&plugin that would give a big dial to more "naturally" modify the tempo at a given bar. Right now the best way I have found is to just modify manually the tempo at the Tempo Track, but since it's an iterative process it would be much easier to modify it using a simple, giant but accurate dial, which one could wiggle around while looking how well a mark or a specific bar aligns with a specific transient. The track is too complex (a lot of syncopation, rythmic anticipation and delay) for Audiosnap to do a good work on finding the right tempo map.

Lets hop someone knows about some tool that can do this or can be used as a more elegant workaround and, anyways, dont you think it would make a nice feature?




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The best manual tool is Set Measure/Beat at Now. Set the Now time at a transient, Shift+M, and enter the measure and beat (or fraction of a beat) that transient should be hitting. CbB will modify the previous tempo to make it happen and enter matching one at that point to act as an "anchor" for the next Set. If the first downbeat isn't at 1:01:000, more steps are required to get started. I have a single key bound to it since I use it a lot and Shift+M is awkward. Take advantage of Tab/Shift+Tab to transient and other keyboard shortcuts for navigating the timeline, and you can move through a piece pretty quickly. I recommend snapping downbeats every 4-8 measures to start. Then you can go back and Set more points as necessary to tighten things up further.

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wow guys, your awesome. So far I had figured out a math-way to estimate the true average tempo of a section and I was going to take it from there, but this couple of tools are great to go further.... thanks a lot!

(and it's always nice to know one is not the only freak trying to do this gimmicks!)

Greets from Chile!

Edited by Francisco Rossier
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There's also "Fit Improvisation".

Basic usage:

1. Add a MIDI track, and arm it
2. Start recording and tap the same key for each beat through the song until the end
3. Select the MIDI clip you just recorded, then Process->Fit Improvisation.

A tempo map will be created from what you recorded.

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