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Anyone know how to use the new ODS Legends Tonex pack in Amplitube 5??

Steve Patrick

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Figured it out...they DO show up but just as the name of the preset along with eleventy jillion other models...not as ODS Legends group.

So...I'll just have to name all my tweaks to these models with a proprietary name to get them to show up together in the list.

No biggie.


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While I've discovered that I can load the tonex models into Amp 5, I'm still unable to do what I really want to:

Tweak a preset in Tonex (which gives you much more control in tweaking the tone model) and then import that new preset into Amp 5.  Even with my interweb sleuthing I still haven't found how to a: do that and b: whether this is actually possible or not.

Your thoughts??


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  • 4 weeks later...

I feel your pain, it's been my hope that at5 can fill the gaps in the excellent tonex product. But like you I've been unable to make it work the way I want. There is a new versions of tonex and there might be an update to at5 as well. I'm not sure about that, but tonex is at version 1.5.1 I believe? You might want to check to make sure that you're up to date, they've done a lot of work with the ui.

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