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folder tracks as bus

Eve Ripper

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On 5/13/2021 at 1:42 AM, Kevin Perry said:

Please no: folders are for visual/organisational purposes.

For example, I have a Vocal folder in a lot of my projects: some tracks in it will route to the lead vocal bus, some to the backing vocal bus.  Having to have 2 folders (or, maybe even one track outside a folder if there's only one lead/backing vocal) would be irritating to put it mildly.

Check out Ableton Live's grouping-feature: select any number of tracks, press CTRL+G and voilá: the tracks are placed in a folder and are routed to a new bus/aux. It's fast and brilliant! ?

What I am saying is: we could in theory have both organizational and routing-based folders.

By the way, is there a keyboard shortcut for moving tracks to a (new or existing) folder in Cakewalk?

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I occasionally flirt with Reaper for listening to rough mixes.  

I really liked bus folders at first but I grew to dislike them. I prefer folders for straight organisation, nothing more.

My clean guitars folder tracks don't all go to the same bus, sometimes I'll bus leads, rhythms and textural parts to different places and bus folders make this very convoluted.

In Reaper, I'm always accidentally dragging tracks into folders which messes up my routing. If implemented in CbB, it should be switchable like OP suggests.

Edited by Light Grenade
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On 5/13/2021 at 5:12 AM, Kevin Perry said:

Please no: folders are for visual/organisational purposes.

The OP is suggesting it as an option. If you only want folders for organisation, don't use folders as bus (if it gets impletemnted). That is how its in Studio One. We can use folder as strictly for organisation, and if we want, we can use it as a bus too. Using folder as a bus probably can't be done in CbB, but directing track outs with folder seems great.


On 5/13/2021 at 2:11 PM, Mark Morgon-Shaw said:

There is no need. You can already route an entire Folder to a Bus very quickly and simply.

This is useful, provided we don't add tracks to the same folder. With OPs request, we only need to direct the bus output once, and every track that gets added to the folder will follow that setting.

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Oh man, the thing I miss the most when I'm using Cakewalk instead of Mixcraft is Mixcraft's infinitely nestable bus/folders.

To create a bus/folder, you just drag one track onto another. Boom, now the target track is a bus and a collapsible folder. And they're nestable. You can have a Drums folder with an Overheads folder inside it, a Vocals folder with folders for Lead and Backing, etc. And nest them as deeply as your computer resources can handle.

The routing for this can be duplicated with Cakewalk's excellent routing abilities, but I took to Mixcraft's way the moment they introduced it and I still love it.

If this interests you, download their trial and check it out.

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