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Can EZDrummer play multiple tracks from within EZD?

Terry Kelley

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I searched the EZD forum and the answers always jump to a workaround but no solid conclusion on if this should work. And no, RTFM doesn't help.

1. Add an EZD drummer instance to Cakewalk. Within EZD add some drum grooves.

2. Click Add a Song Track and select that track.

3. Add some tamborine  grooves  to this second track.

4. Hit Play (DAW or EZD.)

EZD will only play the selected track, not both. My work around has been to add a new instance to Cakewalk for each EZD instrument (e.g. Percussion.) Just since there is this track sitting there, I alway thought EZD would play them all.

It seems to me EZD should play all of the tracks not just the selected track, but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)

It can't. I finally got a direct answer on the TT forum rather than work-arounds. I know the work-arounds : I use them! I was just surprised it won't and decided to make sure I hadn't missed something.

Edited by Terry Kelley
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