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Livejam Melodic Techno with live singing

Nick Blanc

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Ok first of all, I can't hold a tune if my life depended on it, so this is with every Autotune, Melodyne, Waves Tune Crispy Tune etc. help known to man. Seriously, I used all of it. But man it was fun to do.

The rest is my usual synth heavy sound which I love. Lots of overdrive and distortion but with clear undertones. Oh and my camera app seems to suddenly not play nice and flicker a bit. Haven't found a way around that (other camera apps besides the native Pixel one don't let me do the 0.7x zoom, so it anybody knows one that does, let me know!).

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8 hours ago, mark skinner said:

Pretty cool .  Strange not using headphones with microphone work . It was hard to detect any monitor bleed with all the effects even after laying your mic on the table ??         Good one .  Enjoyed it ..  mark

Thanks! Yes to my surprise is was fairly 'clean' (as far as it can be when not using headphones). I think the way I held the mic helped. But when compressing there was some really audible noise, so I had to be careful in processing. Luckily it's the same as the music that is already playing so it kinda blends in. When I didn't use the mic I just gated the signal.

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