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No action from MIDI controller

Stephen Simmons

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If there was only one instance showing up in Device Manager with the Show Hidden Devices option, then there aren't any 'ghost' entries.  The automatic installation occurs when devices are "class-compliant" - and Windows will automatically download and install the drivers for the midi controller, meaning you don't have to go through a manual installation of any drivers for that controller.

As to what would cause a lack of memory failure - I do not know, but will let it stew in my brain for a bit, and will do some digging in a couple hours, when I get some time.  Maybe I can get lucky and find some info to help you with this issue.  I will circle back in a couple hours and see what I can dig up. :)

Bob Bone

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  On 10/10/2019 at 3:49 PM, Robert Bone said:

If there was only one instance showing up in Device Manager with the Show Hidden Devices option, then there aren't any 'ghost' entries.  The automatic installation occurs when devices are "class-compliant" - and Windows will automatically download and install the drivers for the midi controller, meaning you don't have to go through a manual installation of any drivers for that controller.

As to what would cause a lack of memory failure - I do not know, but will let it stew in my brain for a bit, and will do some digging in a couple hours, when I get some time.  Maybe I can get lucky and find some info to help you with this issue.  I will circle back in a couple hours and see what I can dig up. :)

Bob Bone



Hi Bob!

Just this minute I made some progress by downloading the drivers from M-Audio. The driver settings in device manager said that the drivers were up-to-date but apparently those are generic Windows generated drivers have the ones from M-Audio are working.

Of course it was operating just a few days ago before it stopped and gave me that silly memory morning.

But the wag is still there and I'm thinking that's probably a problem within Cakewalk because the sfx on my desktop which I have never used before opens up and plays its instruments with absolutely no lag.

Tech support from Sweetwater you sold me the keystation and the Apollo twin car looking into it. 



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As far as lag goes - make sure your project doesn't have any effects loaded into the project, where they are meant to be used during mixing, rather than when recording.  These kinds of effects would include things like convolution reverb or anything using linear phase processing.

You can quickly test the above out, by simply temporarily bypassing all effects in the project - just hit the letter 'E' on your computer keyboard, while in the project, and it will toggle either on/off the bypassing of all effects.  After you see if this makes the lag go away or not, you can turn the effects back on by simply hitting the letter 'E' again.  This is one of the Cakewalk keyboard shortcuts.

SO - if your lag goes away when the effects are bypassed, then at least one of the effects you have loaded into the project are causing the lag, and you can resolve this in a couple of different ways, though you will still need to figure out which of the loaded effects are causing the issues.  If you reply to this post with a listing of all of the effects you have loaded into this project (only the ones in the project, NOT a list of all of the effects in your plugins folders), I can tell you which of them are causing issues when used during recording.

Once the effect(s) has/have been identified, there are a couple of ways of resolving this issue:

 1) Simply power that effect 'off' in your project, until you are done with your recording, and are ready to move on to mixing.  Once you begin the mixing process, you will want to crank up your ASIO Buffer Size way up - to either 1024 or 2048, which will provide enough room for these kinds of effects to process things properly.  Lag does not matter when mixing, because you are only doing playback, and not trying to sync notes you are playing to tracks you already have recorded.  

2) You could also simply swap out that effect(s) for different one that is similar, but does not require a large ASIO Buffer Size to process signal through it.  For example, if you have a reverb effect that is a convolution reverb, there are lots of other reverb effects to choose from, that are NOT convolution reverb, and swapping out the convolution reverb for a regular reverb effect will still give you the ability to hear some reverb while you are still in the recording phase of the project, without causing lag.  Again, once you move on to the mixing phase of the project, you could swap out the replacement reverb, and load back in the convolution reverb, (also adjusting your ASIO Buffer Size way up, to either 1024 or 2048).

Pretty much for the rest of time, you want to keep your ASIO Buffer Size small during recording, like 128 samples or less, and then when mixing, you will want to set it super large, like 1024 or 2048, and you will need to make sure that buffer size is properly set anytime you switch from recording to mixing, or from mixing back to recording.  It is just the way things work best.  Please note that if you make your ASIO Buffer Size too small, that too can cause some issues with audio, so you can start at 128 samples, for example, and if that works OK, you could try dropping it down to 64 samples, and if that works, you could even try 32 samples, but just understand that the smaller you set it, the harder your computer has to work, and at some point it might get too small, and cause audio issues.  I suggest either 128 samples or 64, (I tend to use 128 when recording), as they are small enough to where you won't hear any lag, but not so small as to where the computer has to work so hard it causes audio issues.

I hope the above helps you understand a bit better - about how to set the size of the ASIO Buffer for recording and setting it differently when mixing, and also I hope I have explained about how certain kinds of effects can cause problems with audio if they are meant to be used only during mixing/mastering and not during recording.

Please list the names of all effects plugins that are loaded into the project you are having these issues with, and I will take a look at them and let you know if I see any issues with them.  Thanks, 

Bob Bone


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Thank you sir! Actually of my two test project only one had an audio track of any kind an acoustic guitar that I had inserted two audio effects on the other I dragged the soft synth into the midi track. I just created the third one and dragged the soft synths into the blank space below the tracks which gives a completely different dialogue and voila it plays clean as a whistle no delay at all.    WSS

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