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Possible Uses for ACT and AZController

User 905133

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I am new to using ACT and AZController and have successfully mapped some buttons and sliders from a nanoKontrol to Cakewalk (Transport/Shuttle and Console Sliders). Based on a video, I set both in and out to the same controller because I am interfacing the external controller with features in Cakewalk.  With this discussion, I am now wondering what kinds of other things can be done (possible advanced techniques/applications). I imagine the possibilities are totally wide open, so I am looking for a few suggestions to give me some ideas (i.e., a simple list of options, not detailed how-to-do it).  Thanks.  

AZController - 001b.png

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My whole site is about what you can do with AZ Controller... What you expect people write here? ?

You can assign whatever ever was possible to do with controllers in Sonar/CbB. And till some degree you can implement what was never supported in CbB. F.e. tempo change with knob, use your nanoKontrol knobs and faders in "instant" or "endless imitation" modes, make CbB speak what it is doing, up to the level it is usable with switched off monitor (except the content editing), combine different devices into one controller (f.e. make android tablet/phone be a display for your nanoKontrol). And there are unusual features: f.e. you can sync settings in one plug-in instance with another, do something when time pass particular markers, control your digital mixer or interface with digital gain using knobs of dummy FX chain, etc.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 9/27/2019 at 3:50 PM, azslow3 said:

. . . you can implement what was never supported in CbB. F.e. tempo change with knob, use your nanoKontrol knobs and faders in "instant" or "endless imitation" modes, make CbB speak what it is doing, up to the level it is usable with switched off monitor (except the content editing), combine different devices into one controller (f.e. make android tablet/phone be a display for your nanoKontrol). And there are unusual features: f.e. you can sync settings in one plug-in instance with another, do something when time pass particular markers, control your digital mixer or interface with digital gain using knobs of dummy FX chain, etc.

Thanks for the nice list of advanced examples; these are the kinds of ideas that interest me.  From your tutorial/setup videos I totally got that it can be used to map one thing [buttons, knobs, sliders, etc.] to another [CbB functions, etc.] very nicely.  So, your "pushing the limits of the ordinary" list is great!  And I took your suggestion and looked around at your forum, but I didn't find the kinds of extra-ordinary  ideas you listed.  They are probably in your Forum, but my aging eyes can't browse pages of text for as long as they used to.   

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Some features are implemented in the BCR2000, referenced in the previous post. Syncing FXes is a documented action.  Stop on marker is "Presets which work without surfaces". If you can not find something particular, I can find that for you...

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