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Plugin window cuts off (Biasfx2)


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After updating my trusted amp plugin the window cuts the plugin content badly and doesn't display full content. The update note says 'The latest version of BIAS FX 2 now supports High DPI displays'.

Is there a cure for this? There's advice on how to fix this in many DAWs but sadly not for Cakewalk.



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Many other DAWs have suggested the comparability setting, Enable 'Override high DPI scaling behavior.'

Have you tried this for Cakewalks exe?

Then in CbB, VST Plugin Properties for (Biasfx2), try enable enhanced Display Scaling (if present).

Also try setting  your display scaling set to 100%

Edited by Promidi
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/5/2024 at 9:57 PM, Promidi said:

Where are you looking?

That's the question. I don't know where this should be found ?

But all my win11 settings are native/100%. So I'm a bit miffed about this. Both Cakewalk and Bias have been working just fine so far. When opened both after a while and did the required updates the cropping appeared. I had not touched any setting anywhere, Cakewalk or Windows.

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