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Cakewalk crashes to the desktop


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Hi there,   I downloaded the Cakewalk Bandlab about 2 weeks ago, it’s easy, intuitive, I feel very comfortable with this DAW.

But I have a problem: if while playing I press "pause" and then press "play" or "pause", the program closes immediately. This also happens when I click with the mouse on the top of the piano roll, or on the top of the main window, where are the numbers of the measures, and then I press play (spacer) , Cakewalk also closes automatically. I tried several times and it always does the same, it closes.

I do not know what it could be. I will appreciate comments.

Edited by Barth
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Thanks for answering, InstrEd
Well, I'm talking about MIDI recording with virtual instruments, I haven't said it before.
After posting I have been doing tests, and I have verified that this error appears if the song has the Sforzando plugin. (soundfonts)
I changed the Sforzando plugin for one of Cakewalk's virtual instruments, (Electric piano) and it doesn't give that error.
I will continue testing ...

Interface Behringer UMC204-HD  -  O.S. Windows 10   64 bits  

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What antivirus program do you have?  If you have one (which you should if your PC is on the internet), can you try temporarily disabling your antivirus program for for the purpose of testing Cakewalk.

Of course, enable your antivirus program after you have completed your test.

Note: I have never encountered this issue with Cakewalk by Bandlab (latest build) and Sforzando

As a test, I loaded up Cakewalk by Bandlab with Garritan Personal Orchestra Piano in an instance of Sforzando.  I played this instrument and I did not experience any issue, such as closing.

After this test, I noticed that has been an update for Sforzando bringing it to version  It now includes a VST3 version.  Maybe you might like to try that.

The latest Sforzando can be downloaded from here:


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Please change the title of this post to "Cakewalk crashes to the desktop" as A: That is the proper term for it and moreover, B: We have been bounced from foster home to foster home over the last few decades and I honestly thought we would be uprooted again when I saw this post title.  ?


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The computer is not connected to the internet, I connected it just to install Cakewalk.. I did not install antivirus. After this issue, I installed an antivirus thinking that problem could be a virus, but that was after the issue, that issue already existed before installing the antivirus. The PC is new.


I attach 2 small videos:


The first one can be seen as when press pause, and then press pause again, Cakewalk stop it. (if you press play it closes too)

The second video, same song, if I erase the sforzando track the issue disappears. After restore the the sforzando track recording, the issue comes back.


I opened new songs with sforzando, and it works well, if I discovered something else I will share it.

OK ! I change the title, my english level makes mistakes.

Thanks all.

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