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Mix Preferences Over Time


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Hey All--

This might have fit better under the Coffee House forum, but there isn't a punch line so...

It's interesting: I have a catalog of music where the oldest track is about 5 years old, and it goes on up to just about a month ago. I'm currently releasing my own tracks and so I have a chance to preview *one more time before I upload them to the distributor.

I've only released two tracks so far, but in each case, I felt like I wanted to tweak the mix before uploading them. Only one tweak I would consider a correction, and the rest were all taste. I wanted more, bass. Or I wanted more backing vocals, etc. I just find it interesting with as much as I put into getting my mixes (and masters) balanced - listening on multiple sources - leaving and coming back later, etc--that over time, I feel as though I "like" certain things differently than when I was doing the original mix.

It's almost as if I've matured, or my skill has improved, and I can hear more of what would improve the track than I did when I mixed it the first time.

Does this happen to you? Thoughts?

*Can't say over time I won't want to remix them again ?

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