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Impact Soundworks Bundle Up for Black Friday: Save on sample library bundles!

Larry Shelby

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One of the few developers I will never buy from due to their incredibly bad ethics and defamatory attacks against their competitor. The sample development world can be pretty cut throat,  but this developer stands out for engaging in the worst practices in the industry or really that I've witnessed in my entire career in business and writing about marketing and business ethics.  There are plenty of other sample developers that make similar libraries that have decent ethics. 

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Pavlov, please give it a rest with all the drama. Repeatedly bringing up drama about various companies doesn't belong in the deals section I suggest.
VIC has a drama zone for such things, which I think is a good idea, although I know that forum is another drama topic of yours.


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25 minutes ago, PavlovsCat said:

One of the few developers I will never...

I have to agree with Technostica. I understand you have good reasons to feel the way you do about these developers, but I feel like lately there has been too much drama on this forum.

If you feel the need to vent about something this much, feel free to PM me. I promise I will listen. ❤️

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And if you continue to say those kind of things over and over again, you may even end up with some legal problems. We all have the right for our opinions, but even if what you say is true, I feel like you’re in dangerous ground for you. And yes, plenty of drama at VI-Control, it’s a breath of fresh air around here.

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2 hours ago, Yan Filiatrault said:

And if you continue to say those kind of things over and over again, you may even end up with some legal problems. We all have the right for our opinions, but even if what you say is true, I feel like you’re in dangerous ground for you. And yes, plenty of drama at VI-Control, it’s a breath of fresh air around here.

I understand what you're saying. Of course, I'm aware that sharing any non-positive info can be considered undesirable/annoying to those only looking for deals and unconcerned with things like ethics. I agree with your desire to not clutter this forum and concerns that it doesn't become toxic like a VI-Control-like thread (although, with Technoista's posts, it's too late for that). I'm keeping it concise and linking to details for anyone interested in learning more. However, I believe that it is very important to share such information when we are aware of businesses engaged in ethically problematic practices. It is, IMO, worth making a 3 sentence post about, as I did. 

Unquestionably, this is a very friendly forum. That's a huge part of why I love it. I've consistently been friendly and helpful to others in this forum over the two decades I've been a part of the community. I think many forum members would agree., I've given dozens of devs free consulting in return for giving low-income musicians free libraries. So why share info that I realize many will see as controversial, knowing it might even result in my facing personal attacks from an angry developer and fanboys? Because this forum is focused on users, not developers. That's by Bandlab's design, according to their own statements. This forum is for users helping other users. My posts are for the benefit of my fellow sample library users. My desire is to share knowledge and help my fellow forum members as they have helped me. 

While, undoubtedly,  the vast majority of forum users are ONLY here to find the best deals and don't care about the ethics of the companies they buy from, there are some members, like myself, who do care about the ethics of the companies we buy from. That is why I feel compelled to share this information. Hopefully, you can respect my right to do that even if you don't share my values or opinions. For some of us, it's as important, or even more important, than someone praising a library or plugin. Because it's a lot harder to do, but I believe there is an ethical imperative to share such knowledge. In any event, it was a 3 sentence post that can easily be skipped over if you don't like it. But I believe those 3 sentences will be important to some users here.  


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2 hours ago, Technostica said:

Pavlov, please give it a rest with all the drama. Repeatedly bringing up drama about various companies doesn't belong in the deals section I suggest.
VIC has a drama zone for such things, which I think is a good idea, although I know that forum is another drama topic of yours.


That is a very hostile post but consistent with your past behavior in this forum, Technonista.

cclarry, easily the MVP of this forum and an incredibly helpful and likable person, literally quit this forum after your posts -- and another forum member's posts -- harassing him. It's fine for you to disagree with cclarry or me, but it's not fine for you to engage in a series of demeaning, hostile attacks on your fellow forum members,as  you've done to cclarry and you're doing to me right now. It is not helpful or the kind of behavior that makes for a healthy forum. It is an attack and bullying.  I get that you're a fan of Impact Soundworks, but I don't think your tactics are civil or appropriate. You can defend them without engaging in attacks on anyone who isn't praising them.  

I'm a writer, so I will highlight the micro-aggressions in your post: 

1. "Pavlov, please give it a rest with all the drama."

2,  'Repeatedly bringing up drama about various companies doesn't belong in the deals section I suggest.'

3. "VIC has a drama zone for such things, which I think is a good idea, although I know that forum is another drama topic of yours."

Adding Peace at the end of an inflammatory attack on a fellow forum member doesn't deceive any fair-minded person into thinking your attack was any less of an attack.  That simply isn't civil behavior. You can voice disagreement with someone without resorting to insults, as you did with cclarry and have done many times in this forum with me. 


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It seems not that long ago that being on the Waves 'hate train' was ok in everybody's book. Even recent speculating about possible shenanigans from UA is. A tiny reminder about another company's (lack of?) ethics is not entirely out of place in a deals forum. I personally have done so with audioplugin.deals and I never got any negative feedback.

I don't have the same sentiment as Pavlov's Cat in this case because I didn't have a negative encounter with this particular business, but he is free to warn us. As I was and did in the past.

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