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Call Your Name - Cory Pelizzari


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Earlier this month, a friend named Cory Pelizzari took his life. We became friends around  a year ago, after I came across his YouTube channel and shot him an email to let him know how much I respected him. 

I referred  to Cory as "my favorite YouTuber" or "the only influencer I respect" in numerous posts at this forum. I'm a marketing professional and the reality is, I don't have much respect for most influencers. It's a shilling business. They're just the latest version of infomercial pitchmen that are promoting products and their grift is persuading you they're unbiased while the brands they promote give them free products, buy sponsorships, pay them affiliate marketing money and/or good old fashioned cash. Their common MO is to find some minor criticism to create the appearance of objectivity -- but nothing that's a dealbreaker, because if they did have a major criticism of the product they're fake reviewing, it would ruin their relationship with the brand, or in this case, developer whose products they're "reviewing."

But Cory was the exception to the rule. He would tell you if a library had a huge, show-stopping problem. He would tell you that he thought a developer didn't care enough to fix issues with their libraries after he told them about an issue. Consequently, Cory caught my attention and earned my respect. We developed a very deep friendship over the time we came to know one another. Though I'm much older, he referred to us as "brothers."  Cory was much more than a YouTube influencer. He was a wonderful person, most of all. He was a courageous man who publicly shared that he had a mental illness in the hopes he could help reduce the stigma around mental illness. He was also a very talented musician and composer. 

Since I learned of his passing, I've been listening to his music, I'm sorry to say, I'm listening to it a lot more than I ever did when Cory was still with us and I'm hearing songs of his that I haven't heard before. And I just wanted to share some of his music with others. I wish I did this when Cory was still with us. But I'm asking if maybe you might consider taking a few minutes and listen to one of this man's songs. He wrote and performed this song in 2015 and I'm one of the only two people who gave it a like on SoundCloud and I just think that's a shame for how beautiful it is. I suppose my intent in posting this is that I want others to know more of Cory, of his talent and the man I got to know that the world just lost, because I think he was someone very special. 


Edited by PavlovsCat
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