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This is not looking good. Solved-Looking Good now

John Vere

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I just built a new Computer, W11 etc. 

Pretty painlessly to install Cakewalk not sure why some people have issues. Took all of 2 minutes. 

I also installed Sonar 8.5 with all boxes unchecked except for a few plugs. 

Ran Command center and only installed CA 2A and Dim Pro.

Then started installing my plug ins and authorizing etc.  I opened the plug in Manager on old machine and installed everything to the same locations as were there. This is only 4 places. 

VST 3 in Common files, Cakewalk VST folder, then the VST folder and the Steinberg VST folder.  

Cakewalk crashes upon loading projects I was just working on in old machine. 

I did get it to open in Safe mode of course. Only the SI Drums worked. 

Addictive drums toasts a warning about the file location which is BS because it's exactly as it says it should be. 

I have often opened projects on different computers and never had this happen so I'm stumped. 

This project only has my day to day stuff that is pretty straight forward. Ample P bass, Addictive drums, SI drums and Sweetcase. I can't even get Loudmax or You Lean meter working there all on the bad guy list except for SI drums. 

What I'm going to try in uninstall all these plug ins 100%, and see if Cakewalk will open with them missing, it should. 




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It gets weirder and weirder. Sometime the projects open fine with a list of what is not working. 

I use Replace synth to replace with exact same one and its fine, press play crash. 

Then same with some plug ins like You Lean meter, try to delete it, crash 

Why is Cakewalk so unstable when it comes to plug ins???? And all stuff I've used for years without issues?? 

First part of my rebuild took no time at all, and now I find myself wasting time on something that should not be this complicated. The plug ins are all installed same locations as old machine, they are showing the same in Plugin Manager,  all are on the lists and they all open and work.  Old projects, crash crash crash.  

And after a project crashes 2 or 3 times it can no longer be opened unless you use safe mode. 

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36 minutes ago, David Baay said:

Did you get mobo/chipset drivers installed?

I’m not sure . At one point there was a screen that showed a bunch of check marks beside those. It was the MSI MoBo app I think. 
But this got me thinking I might be missing a bunch of those c++runtime things.
My old computer has 2 pages of them and this one so far has only 2 entered and those were with plug ins. Maybe Cakewalk doesn’t install them? 
Im also going to try just a midi only project with the tts-1. 
I will also try a different audio interface. The Motu is not exactly a Windows device.  

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Just checked in Windows update and sure enough the chipset was waiting to be installed. I keep forgetting that after a fresh install you should really keep running Windows update over and over. This might have something to do with it. Needs to be done anyway. So Cakewalk is on hold until this puppy is stable and finished updating. It was probably trying to update while I was doing all this.

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All is good now. As always it's a plug in! But it's very weird that safe mode didn't work. That sucks because then you don't actually know what was causing the crash. 

I think it was just Ample P Bass which is on every project. I re installed it and this time made sure it was in the correct folder.  After that Cakewalk now opens. 

Now the projects all open but with a long list of missing stuff that I will have to add. 

As I was troubleshooting I downloaded and ran the Resplendence Latency Monitor. I notice they had another free app called Why So Slow which was prefect as it did a pretty good job of testing all my components. It passed with flying colors. Thank goodness it was just a stupid plug in.  

Thanks everyone for your help! 

Edited by John Vere
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  • John Vere changed the title to This is not looking good. Solved-Looking Good now
10 hours ago, Craig Anderton said:

If you have problems with Addictive Drums, remember that if there are changes in your computer, it needs to be de-authorized from the "old" computer and re-authorized.

Yes was the first one I did because I remembered it was the one you go to your account page on the web site. But after I installed it and opened Cakewalk it was listed but brackets showing it was not available. ?? Like the Ample bass it was installed differently than the other computer.??
I didn’t think this matters as long as it installed and is successfully scanned. This is when I opened the plug in manager on the old machine and started putting everything in the identical folders just in case. 
I had to uninstall and re installed the XLN manager and chose the exact same location this time and it worked. 
What happened was for the Ample bass I tried dragging it from the wrong folder to the correct folder. That is when Cakewalk started crashing. 

But still it seems weird that this put things in such an unstable condition. 

In the past I guess I was just lucky. I normally just let plug ins install to the default locations. But I always prevent 3rd party stuff from going to the Cakewalk folder. 

Now the projects at least open and all my instruments are good to go but there’s a short list of missing effects plug ins that are actually not missing but seems Cakewalk can’t cope with which folder they are now in. 
So I have to click on the ones in brackets and use “replace” and just replace it with the same one. Bummer is you of course lose the pre sets. But I’m pretty consistent in my settings so no big deal. 
Im to lazy to figure out transferring them even though I know it can be done. 
Thank goodness Addictive drums loaded up with my kit that took 2 years to refine. I immediately saved it as a pre set. 

So just that one little hiccup otherwise it was your typical 1 day spent rebuilding your DAW. 





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