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Cinesamples Black Friday Sale - Up to 82% OFF (PluginBoutique)


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31 minutes ago, jngnz said:

Glitch or GTFO

There's been a lot of talk in the library developer community about pricing adjustments.  I've posted about it. It is causing some developers concerns that when they've invested say $50k on up in production on a library that the price drops are going to make it take a lot longer for small developers to break even. I knew this developer had changes coming. It's part of the whole freak out and war going on with VI-Control's owner, as he's a small developer with some orchestral libraries and he's afraid that every calculation he's made is soon going to be meaningless as prices drop. That's what "8Dio  is leading the race to the bottom" rants he does are all about. Cinesamples is another developer that's doing price drops. 

As a sample user,  all of this is fantastic news. I would recommend anyone looking to buy an orchestral library for a high cost, if you aren't getting a fantastic deal, press the pause button. Pricing is radically dropping. 8Dio and Cinesamples are two of the big disruptors, and it's going to change the entire industry pricing in time. But some small developers who don't sell in large numbers are concerned how they will increase sales volume to maintain the same profits when margins are rapidly getting smaller. 

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