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Displaying >1 VST Plugin Instance

Neil Cummins

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Hi Forum,

                        Is it a limitation of the DAW that I can only display one VST only at any one time,or is this a changeable parameter in the VST Properties dialogue?

In other words,if I have multiple EQ,reverb,compressor VST set across multiple channel strips,if I click on any one while another is active,it will change the display to show only the latest clicked instance.

Many Thanks,

Neil Cummins


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13 minutes ago, Neil Cummins said:

Hi Forum,

                        Is it a limitation of the DAW that I can only display one VST only at any one time,or is this a changeable parameter in the VST Properties dialogue?

In other words,if I have multiple EQ,reverb,compressor VST set across multiple channel strips,if I click on any one while another is active,it will change the display to show only the latest clicked instance.

Many Thanks,

Neil Cummins


It's an option.

In Preferences, If you uncheck "Recycle Plugin Windows" in the VST Settings section, you can open as many as you like.


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