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SOLVED: user error - Panning not working?


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Just started noticing this really....trying to pan tracks but the master is still coming out as all mixed to centre? And when I export the tracks, it is the same all tracks are not being panned as set in individual track panning.

Is there some new trick to get this to work as expected in the new Bandlab Sonar? Do I need to create two buses one set to left then one to right and forget master?



Oh and the tracks are all at the default stereo. IE they are not forced to mono (even though the audio clips are) I tried changing this to MONO but it made no difference.

Edited by pax-eterna
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The good news is that no, panning is not broken. It works just fine.

If your master bus interleave is correctly set to Stereo, your mono tracks are all set to Mono, and you use a proper stereo panner on your stereo tracks, then there should be no problem.

Otherwise, it is almost certainly a plugin that's forcing everything to mono. Try using the Global Bypass to bypass all effects and see if you now have stereo. If you do, go back and disable the fx bins on each track and bus until you identify the source of the problem.

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hmm, okay bitflipper interleave is at stereo no effects on either master or individual tracks. I mean I should be able to send a mono track to either left or right, not sure why I'd then need a stereo panner?? Anyway I'll play around some more.

Craig same thing...put the cans on and signal is dead set centre even though the track is panned either 100% left or right...audio out the audio i/f is definitely connected L-L and R-R to the speakers, and the phones jack is stereo and both sides are working....but I'll keep experimenting. I must admit to wondering why the live tracks (at gigs) always sounded so muddled in the middle when I pan all tracks in a mix to keep centre clear for live vocals.

The green led bars even show the track is panned correctly, but it still comes out via cans and speakers as centre :

Oh and the waveform preview pane also shows it panned to one side!

Edited by pax-eterna
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Sooo, totally my fault - everything in Sonar was correct. I had the outs going in to two mono channels on the desk - I set it this way ages ago for something else and totally forgot. And of course BOTH were panned to the centre so of COURSE it was always coming out in the centre - duh!!!

Sorry guys for wasting your time, but I thank you for taking the time to respond! Much appreciated.

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Not a waste of time - because you took the time to come back and share the solution and thus potentially help out somebody else down the road.

If it makes you feel any better, I had a similar issue just a few days ago. I have a 6-year-old great-grandson who cannot resist turning the knobs on my mixer. Hosted a jam session here on Sunday and when I turned on the PA it erupted into ear-splitting feedback. At least that problem was easy to diagnose.

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  • 4 years later...
On 9/17/2019 at 6:27 PM, bitflipper said:

The good news is that no, panning is not broken. It works just fine.

If your master bus interleave is correctly set to Stereo, your mono tracks are all set to Mono, and you use a proper stereo panner on your stereo tracks, then there should be no problem.

Otherwise, it is almost certainly a plugin that's forcing everything to mono. Try using the Global Bypass to bypass all effects and see if you now have stereo. If you do, go back and disable the fx bins on each track and bus until you identify the source of the problem.

You saved me ?

I was going insane because my mix started sounding too harsh, this was it HAHA


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