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Re: Exporting Cakewalk Projects (.CWP) to Reaper


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It would be nice if developers published a Spec of their project file formats.


Stems are nice, but honestly some DAWs have weak functionality in areas where I can do better if I had a more editable output to load into my DAW.  For example, Cakewalk's Crossfade Editor is really weak.  I can probably do better if I could load the clips into my other DAW and do those there.  When you render stems, you bake in the weaker audio edits.

If someone just wants me to mix something for them, then stems are probably fine.

How you bring the project over really has a lot to do with WHY you're bringing it over.

I am not sure what the OP's issues with CbB is on his machine, but I have used it on a  variety of hardware, and have had no issues with it.  Fixing that is probably the easiest "solution" ? 

Edited by Some Guy
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1 hour ago, Some Guy said:

It would be nice if developers published a Spec of their project file formats.

You would think that would make it easy but we have already discussed OMF and how that has worked out. Now think about AES31. You would be amazed at how many variants there are to that one and that is a straight forward one.
It's a nice thought but that's all it is.
Also a lot of DAWs are happy to get users from other DAWs but not so happy the other way ?

1 hour ago, Some Guy said:

Stems are nice, but honestly some DAWs have weak functionality in areas where I can do better if I had a more editable output to load into my DAW.  For example, Cakewalk's Crossfade Editor is really weak.  I can probably do better if I could load the clips into my other DAW and do those there.  When you render stems, you bake in the weaker audio edits.

If someone just wants me to mix something for them, then stems are probably fine.

How you bring the project over really has a lot to do with WHY you're bringing it over.

Couldn't agree more.
Stems force a commitment and if they bake in a dodgy xfade or whatever you have to try and fix it on the other end

Converting from one DAW to another can be done successfully but it doesn't always mean it should be done as sometimes there is no real equivalent at the other end and as you say you have to ask 'why'.

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  • 3 months later...

Finally found time to convert unfinished cakewalk projects to reaper using "ReaCWP 0.0r2b51". I converted two projects and was amazed at what it can do.

Wonder if this is still being actively developed as I have about 20 projects I wish to transfer


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CbB is not dead and ReaCWP converts almost every feature which exists in both DAWs (many Sonar/CbB features does not exist in REAPER or have completely different approach, f.e. comping).  So there is no active development (no reason for it).

But I (the developer) am still alive ?. So if you find some bugs,  you can PM me.


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I'm extremely pleased to hear that you are "still alive" as that's mandatory to enjoying life :)

I will most certainly PM you with any Gremlins I find or what I perceive to be so.

It seem to me the best procedure is to simplify the  .cwp by removing all MIDI and none needed audio clips and saving this as a striped down version of the project in a different folder before conversion.

I will test further as I have only converted 3 projects but I have notice that some buss's are converted into a Reaper folder with child tracks and some are interpreted as independent tracks, all of theses buss's have tracks routed to them so not sure what significant difference there is to make this so.

When all said and done this is a remarkable achievement... well done! and thank you for sharing.? 


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You are welcome.

MIDI should be converted, effects as well. Copy to different folder, with all audio, is required to keep the original project untouched after you start edit it with REAPER.

In some cases I have decided a bus match the spirit of "a folder" in REAPER. But sometimes that is unclear. In most cases simply "re-arranging" tracks after conversion should not change the sound since routing is converted explicitly.

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