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Invest in Royalties

User 905133

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There's a new way to make money in the music industry — and it involves betting on your favorite songs.

Earlier this month, investing platform Public offered retail investors the opportunity to own a piece of the rights to the "Shrek" soundtrack for the same price as an expensive cup of coffee.

The company purchased the 768-track catalog outright, put it into an LLC, and then had that LLC go public so investors could buy shares for as little as $10 — something that's become known as "fractionalized royalty investing."

Investors can trade shares with other users on the Public platform, but the company said it's likely, given the cash-flowing nature of the royalty asset, that buyers will be long-term investors.

"It really starts with this approach of being retail first and you're seeing a big change in the industry," Keith Marshall, general manager of alternatives at Public, told Yahoo Finance.

Public co-CEO and co-founder Leif Abraham added: "We want people to have access to multiple sets of asset classes."



What will "they" think of next?

Edited by User 905133
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