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Soundbridge 2.3.0 Released

Larry Shelby

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Crossfades are now available directly in the sequencer.

Holding the “A” key while lassoing over audio blocks that contain crossfades selects only the crossfades.

Multiple crossfades can now be selected, moved, and controlled simultaneously.

Right-clicking the crossfade points changes their convexity curves.

Merged blocks are now visually different from regular audio blocks.

Merged blocks can now be unmerged.

A Logout option was added to the File menu.


Fades on audio blocks now snap to the grid.

Fades on audio blocks no longer reset if an audio block is shortened and un-shortened while holding the mouse button.

Crossfades can now be moved left/right by grabbing the middle of the crossfade area.

Double-clicking the convexity points of fades reset their convexity value.

Crossfades are created closed by default with no overlap.

VST MIDI effects now load to the MIDI FX section in the insert rack by default.

Merged blocks’ crossfades can no longer be selected from the sequencer.

VST2 / VST3 tags are added to the Instruments in the MIDI section of the Add track dialog.

The “Show Plugin” button now stays active while the plugin GUI is displayed.

We improved the in-app tutorial functionality.

Standard folders now appear in the file explorer menus within SoundBridge.

We improved the preview for dragging audio samples in the sequencer.

There is now a warning before items are deleted from Tag folders.

You can now turn off update notifications in Preferences.


In some instances, two Tag folders could be selected simultaneously.

If both fade points are made to meet under the gain handle, moving those fades from that position was a problem.

Resolved various issues with crossfading take-list blocks.

The “Do you want to restore your data from autosaving?” dialog closed when you clicked anywhere outside the dialog.

Cropping the edge of an audio block behind two other audio blocks was a problem.

reChord could be copied from the Instrument section in the insert rack to the MIDI FX section but not vice versa.

External audio track inputs used to be wrongly displayed as “None” on a loaded project.

Duplicating audio blocks over a tempo change automation on a track with tempo-stretch disabled used to create issues.

When exporting *.mp3 files, there was a short silence at the beginning of the files.

Sometimes, projects created on Windows computers used to be read-only on macOS computers.

During playback, audio samples desynchronized slightly with the beat if the tempo was ramped over their duration.

Sometimes, the mixer did not focus on a newly created track.

The MIDI Output channel would be the same as the MIDI Input channel on a MIDI track even if another MIDI channel were selected for the output.

MIDI information did not transmit out of a MIDI track when its MIDI out is set to “None.”

When you clicked the Restore widgets to default button in Options, the Transport Bar widget indicators did not update properly.

Instruments or effects that produce internal sound will do so even when their GUI is closed.

Magic Mouse handling was improved.

Audio tracks’ external inputs would not be loaded on the initial opening of the default project.

The mouse tool sometimes changes when you click outside the SoundBridge window.

We Improved VST compatibility.

SoundBridge did not recognize Send levels to return tracks as a mappable parameter.

If you cropped an audio file in the audio editor, looped it across multiple bars, and then turned off the loop, the whole audio sample played back instead of just the cropped section.

Track inputs in the default project did not load when you first ran SoundBridge.

We Improved compatibility with more audio file types.

Some older macOS versions had a problem running our updated software versions.

The Space Bar did not start or stop playback when the SoundBridge Tutorial was open.

The “?” icon on the tutorial button was not highlighted when the SoundBridge Tutorial was open.

Windows installer issues fixed.


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