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(not a deal) Native Access to 3.6.2 update issue (RESOLVED)


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I've updated AND bought a product today, and I no longer can use Komplete 14 Standard, and several other products I own with Native Instruments!

I am just putting this warning out there so you don't run Native Access and screw yourself out of products you own!


Edited by El Diablo
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5 minutes ago, El Diablo said:

I just can't believe it happens enough where they have documentation to solve it.

It has to be because of Komplete 8 (which is outdated software) maybe?


I started with Komplete 3 just kept upgrading as time went along but when my previous audio computer died screaming "Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!" x infinity, I had to put it down and get another rig.  It's now buried in my closet among the honored pile of dead hardware that for some reason I'm still keeping.

When I put together my new system I think K11 was out, I installed it and I just backfilled (separately installed) any missing plugins/libraries that I considered important but that were no longer included.

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  • GTsongwriter changed the title to (not a deal) Native Access to 3.6.2 update issue (RESOLVED)
24 minutes ago, El Diablo said:

I just can't believe it happens enough where they have documentation to solve it.

It has to be because of Komplete 8 (which is outdated software) maybe?


Re: your comment...  They should just have a friggin menu item under the gear/settings  Help menu - "Rebuild/Reset databases"
It would save users and their tech support much aggravation.
Stupid not to.

Edited by TheSteven
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55 minutes ago, TheSteven said:

Re: your comment...  They should just have a friggin menu item under the gear/settings  Help menu - "Rebuild/Reset databases"
It would save users and their tech support much aggravation.
Stupid not to.

Yeah... I don't know what users would do that aren't tech savvy... imagine how pissed off they are when they no longer can use their "bought" instruments?

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