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Musio 1 for $299


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Looks like the original perpetual $999 Musio plan (that was 50% off a couple of times) isn't available anymore.

This is a pretty amazing price. You have to pay to get the post 2023 libraries in the future, but I guess you can always wait for an upgrade sale and upgrade when you feel like it.

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  On 10/5/2023 at 2:31 PM, BTP said:

Looks like the original perpetual $999 Musio plan (that was 50% off a couple of times) isn't available anymore.

This is a pretty amazing price. You have to pay to get the post 2023 libraries in the future, but I guess you can always wait for an upgrade sale and upgrade when you feel like it.


Yes, when I first saw it I thought it was a price drop for the same thing as before, but they've held firm to their important promise.
And the contents of this one are very nice as well.

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I updated to the latest version.  The Keyswitches implementation looks pretty good an certainly increases the utility of the player.

Unfortunately I choose the clean install option which is supposed to keep your downloaded libraries.  Unfortunately it seemed to forget the library paths. Even after reassigning the path Musio did not see the content. I had to download the libraries again.


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  On 10/6/2023 at 12:26 PM, Vernon Barnes said:

I updated to the latest version.  The Keyswitches implementation looks pretty good an certainly increases the utility of the player.

Unfortunately I choose the clean install option which is supposed to keep your downloaded libraries.  Unfortunately it seemed to forget the library paths. Even after reassigning the path Musio did not see the content. I had to download the libraries again.



that sounds like the worst. I originally had to DL my libraries across multiple days, bc of my less than stellar internet connection. I actually have yet to add the keyswitching since i’m away from the computer for a few days. May hold off on updating now though when I return.. I wonder if that’s happening across the board for everyone and if it’s just something they’ll address in a future update 

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  On 10/6/2023 at 12:26 PM, Vernon Barnes said:

I updated to the latest version.  The Keyswitches implementation looks pretty good an certainly increases the utility of the player.

Unfortunately I choose the clean install option which is supposed to keep your downloaded libraries.  Unfortunately it seemed to forget the library paths. Even after reassigning the path Musio did not see the content. I had to download the libraries again.



I had the same thing happen to me on a clean install.  I had to go through and hit the download button on each instrument, but realized it wasn't actually downloading them again.  It was simply relinking them.   It was a pain for sure.

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Not sure if it’s related but this took me a while to figure out.

whenever they release a new version of an instrument, the download icon reappears next to the instrument again, this initially made me think something went wrong and needed to reinstall, but in order to load the libraries already installed you have to click the version number of the instrument to load the version you have installed already. It’s not very clear and almost tricks you into updating the instrument without realizing you don’t necessarily need to (which i did a few times).

again that may not even apply since idk what happens yet when you try adding keyswitching, but FWIW this is something I wish I knew early on to save time

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Can someone in the EU who purchased this confirm that there is no VAT added to the price? According to Cinesamples there is no VAT charged for Musio because it's a SaaS product, but I have my doubts. 

  Cinesamples-SG said this on the VI-Control forum:

VAT is not applicable, Musio is still categorized as a SaaS offering so there is no VAT charged/exemption available.

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There's no VAT and you can choose to pay in USD, which is probably cheaper.

(They said on a livestream that they aren't adding Paypal as they're using a competitor but they should be adding more ways to pay via their system.)

Edited by BTP
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Also, if I have understood correctly, the Musio instruments are based on the Cinesamples instruments, they are not exactly the same. Musio instruments have (currently) only one mic position and at least in some cases less articulations. The Musio player is supposed to be easier to use then Kontakt, but offers less control and options.

I wonder what I was doing in May because I have no recollection of the lifetime deal. I would've probably jumped on that.

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  On 10/14/2023 at 8:14 PM, pseudopop said:

Also, if I have understood correctly, the Musio instruments are based on the Cinesamples instruments, they are not exactly the same. Musio instruments have (currently) only one mic position and at least in some cases less articulations. The Musio player is supposed to be easier to use then Kontakt, but offers less control and options.


They have a 30 day free trial, no credit card needed.   I signed up to check it out.
It uses Musio VST3, not Kontakt.   Haven't had a chance to play with it enough yet to know if I like it or not.

Edited by TheSteven
fixed typos
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They said in the livestream that with musio 1, you will get updates to the current instruments forever including updates to its relative keyswitching and their mic positions (whenever those are released). But future instruments released 2024 & beyond will only be included with package upgrades: musio 2, musio 3, 4, etc. concurrent with Kontakt’s version scheme, so another 299 for each update when they come out. That said this first round of musio is a stacked lineup so it’s hard to imagine what more the future holds, but i’m sure they’ve got some goods on the way that haven’t been announced yet. The timeline makes sense though, and the lifetime deal they referred to as an investment in the long term growth of the product which is already looking pretty promising imo

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  On 10/15/2023 at 5:11 AM, dumbquestions said:

so another 299 for each update when they come out


I don't think it'll be nearly that much to upgrade though. They're not a huge company and probably won't be able to release a ton of new libraries for each new Musio version.

I bought Musio 1 after watching their livestream. Their CEO said a meeting that "we've already made our money, let's change the game and give access to more people". It's nice to see a company that's not just about maximizing profit.


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