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Strange One! vSynth Output Losing Connection To Audio Input Track?


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Strange occurences Suddenly Appear? I don't know if this is new to the current release, but I've never seen this before.

Using Cherry Audio's CA2600 for a simple monophonic line. All was well. Track was frozen.

I had need to unfreeze the track for some re-arrangement of the music clips.

All was still fine. Everything played correctly.

Then I began to freeze my tracks and coming to this synth in turn (last synth to freeze individually) after freezing, the audio track is empty! No sounds have been frozen. So I unfreeze and now discover that the synth is playing, but no sound is arriving at the vst's audio output.

I re-traced all i/o and nothing has changed, but now the synth will not emit any sound?

So I insert a new instance of same vst and copy the MIDI clips from the previous track, duplicate PC settings and fx rack plugins. Call the same patch and voila! It works!

Until I freeze it??? Then it becomes empty once again and the routine can be repeated over again with the exact same responses....


Anyone have any idea what's going on here? I've never had this with any synth. Not even previous uses of this vst!  What might have changed to make this one synth behave this way? only now? So at first I thought it's the new update.  I don't know, but this is a new situation for me here and the only thing changed is the update (and added Next but I doubt that relates)

Thanks for your eyes... Sorry to pester anyone



I see that if I add a new instance and copy all plugins/settings, then freeze, it freezes correctly, but if I unfreeze it and try to re-freeze it, the routine repeats... So I have a workaround for the moment, but something strange is going on here!




Edited by Keni
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