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Soundpaint NEW - The Glass Marimba - Available Now for Just $10!

Larry Shelby

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I own the 8Dio, KONTAKT version of this, but this is the kind of library that I think SoundPaint will do very well with because of this type of instrument being much less complex to sample (with regard to articulations and scripting) than a guitar or string library or, for some reason,  piano libraries (I don't find SoundPaint is anywhere close to KONTAKT's sound quality or the better scripted libraries). SoundPaint's engine is really good for programming and sound design, IMO,  it is not today at KONTAKT's level (again, just my opinion and,  of course,  in the future,  all of this could change) in terms of realism for complex,  acoustic based sample libraries. You could manipulate the sounds in all different manners, use the arpeggiator, layer it with  other libraries with the straight sound or use a bunch of effects with another library. Even though I own the 8Dio version for KONTAKT,  I'll probably still buy this just for those reasons.

The Glass Marimba library is a really lovely sounding instrument, but I'm not sure about the keyboardist -- who is an immensely better keyboardist than me (I've seem him play piano in other videos and he's very talented), in the video playing the library in the video embeded in the page is playing the Glass Marimba library as if it's an electric piano.  It's a marimba, and while its sound is a bit like a reeds based electric piano,  it falls just a little short of sounding exactly like an electric piano, so it sounds not quite right to my ears to play it like an electric piano and I think it's a missed opportunity to present this library in the best light. I think it needs to be played less like a piano and more imitative of an instrument one plays with mallets (e.g., a marimba, vibraphone, glockenspiel, xylophone, etc ).  It's like people playing guitar sample libraries or glockenspiel libraries just like it's a piano. But if you can get beyond that,  you can hear that it's a really nice sounding library that's really inexpensive. 

If anyone seeing this thread has never bought a paid SoundPaint library before you can send Larry (or me or any SoundPaint customer; I suggest Larry first because he spends a ton of time,  more than anyone else, keeping the deals forum full of deals; he is the forum's GOAT) a PM as they give their customers a referral code that gives others $15 USD off their first purchase, so you can get this free, but I think you have to spend a minimum of $20 USD,  so you can pick up this and another $10 USD library for 5 bucks.  

Edited by PavlovsCat
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