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[SOLVED] Start Screen not functioning correctly


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Hello everyone,

I came across what I believe to be a bug.  I'm reaching out to see effects everyone and not just me.  Here is the problem:

When in the "Start Screen", selecting the "Recent Projects" or "New Project" tab, you are presented with a list of projects or templates.  Right now I'm just going to talk about the "New Project" tab.  If you have more that 8 templates (and up to 16), the window is supposed to allow you to scroll down the window to select the templates that do not fit in the window of the "Start Screen".  This is the way it is supposed to work.

On my CW (cakewalk),  what happens once I have more that 8 templates is that I can see the top of the icon for number 9, but I can not get to it.  It appears that there is a "scroll strip" to the right of the window, but no handle to grab to move the window list up or down. [ and the up & down arrows or pg up/dwn have no effect ]

I'm using a different theme from the normal included ones - so I set my CW back to Tungsten and this made no difference.  Still did not works correctly.

Now I am in contact with support about this right now, but I want to find out if this is a general problem with the software or if it is only me having the problem.


Thanks to all that respond,



Edited by Syphus
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  On 9/12/2019 at 3:22 PM, Syphus said:

Hello everyone,


Now I am in contact with support about this right now, but I want to find out if this is a general problem with the software or if it is only me having the problem.

Thanks to all that respond,



Not sure if you had seen my reply in the other thread.  


Edited by MusicMan11712 (aka Dr. Steve)
To post a prior link to a reply to what I think is the same issue (rather than repeating the same info).
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  On 9/12/2019 at 3:22 PM, Syphus said:

It appears that there is a "scroll strip" to the right of the window, but no handle to grab to move the window list up or down. [ and the up & down arrows or pg up/dwn have no effect ]


Sorry didn't see that. looks like you have tried.

  On 9/12/2019 at 3:53 PM, Chuck E Baby said:

Can you grab the slider (Right hand side) and use it instead of mouse wheel ?



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Interesting!  To help sort it out, here's what I get on my PC:

Recent Projects - 14 selectable thumbnails with a scroll bar/grabber that works (again dark grey on black).  NOTE: In list mode, I also get 14 with no scroll bar/grabber because it seems to just fit the non-adjustable box. Wondering out loud: Could the different numbers we get be related to the unchangeable size of the selection area?  That is, if Windows will only allow 14 in the list because of the sizing on my monitor, are the thumbnails therefore capped at 14?  If not, why does one person get 8 and another gets 16? Is there a size setting for the thumbnails we can adjust to test?  

As for templates (New Projects) has anyone confirmed what I found (at least 50)?  I have far more *.cwt files on my PC than my laptop, plus copying to the New Projects/Templates folder adds duplicates--with (n) appended. It should be easy enough to test here.

Update: I added about 100 *.cwt files to the Templates and I have over 100 in the New Projects Start Screen Page--some icons, some "cwt" generic icons, and some thumbnails (the latter, possibly projects I later saved as templates).

Edited by MusicMan11712 (aka Dr. Steve)
to report on new results
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I don't have a mouse connected at this time due to USB port limits (as in not enough - LOL) . So I use the mouse pad on my laptop.

But to answer your question,

  On 9/12/2019 at 3:54 PM, Chuck E Baby said:

Can you grab the slider (Right hand side) and use it instead of mouse wheel ?


I can see (barely) the actual scroll bar handle - but it only moves a fraction of the window (like 1/16th of an inch - or a few millimeters)

and what I can see (tops of next template) are not clickable  . . .


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A New Footnote (maybe something that will work on your laptop):

In Recent Projects on the Start Screen, hovering over the files in list mode, I get a circle with three dots. Clicking on that expands the entry to show some project information and a thumbnail.  I expanded all 14, got a scroll bar, and found I could scroll with a mouse wheel.  Maybe there's a way you can simulate scrolling with the touch pad?  Just a thought.

I take it you don't have a usb hub to add a mouse; that might work, too.

I am learning so much about the Start Screen that maybe I will decide to re-enable it!!!!  Anyhow, best wishes on this. Hope you can find a solution / workaround that fits your workflow until such time that an update provides additional options.

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Between the last two postings (Dr Steve & HIBI)  I have stumbled in to an interesting situation.  I can get it to work correctly, but I have to force it to work.

I have not come across the correct procedure to reproduce it yet - but for me, it seems the "window" needs to be larger by some amount of pixels so I can grab the scroll bar.

I'll report back with my findings....


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When the "Start Screen" (SS for now) first appears after initial launch of cakewalk:

Mouse-pad does not move the window, the up/dn arrows or pg up/dn do not either

If I click (using the mouse pointer) on an empty space around the project icons while on the "Recent Project", then the up/dn arrows or pg up/dn WILL move the window up/dn so as to select the additional projects displayed in the window.  Doing the same on the "New Project" tab yields the same results.  No scroll bar in either view.

If I do a "double tap" and hold the second tap on the mouse-pad, then swipe the mouse pointer to the right until all at once, the entire window shifts to the left - boom!  (I would like to note that this set of commands, does a select function, highlighting the icons and such)  The scroll bar suddenly appears and now I can use the mouse pointer to move the scroll bar to move the window up and down.  All appears to function normal, but the window remains shifted to the left.  (the scroll bar is black)


Once the SS is closed and restarted (via the file menu or restarting cake) the SS is back to the non-functioning status until one forces it to start working per the above instructions.

Even if most people are not experiencing this "behavior"  this is not correct functionality in my book.

I will leave this topic open for a while and I will be sending the above info to Support and hopefully they will look into it for a future release.  It is not a show stopper by any means, but at least it answers the question as how the "Start Screen" should be working.  I will report any info I get from Support that is relevant.

Thanks to all that left their comments . . .

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  On 9/13/2019 at 11:09 AM, HIBI said:

In short, SS is shifting to the right in the window at first so the scroll bar is sticking out of window?


Not exactly - I would say that the window is not large enough  (wide enough)  to show the scroll bar.  I'm getting it to show by forcing the window to shift (as you can see in the image above.  Note the letting is getting cutoff once the scroll bar pops out)



Edited by Syphus
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  On 9/13/2019 at 2:33 PM, Syphus said:

Not exactly - I would say that the window is not large enough  (wide enough)  to show the scroll bar.  I'm getting it to show by forcing the window to shift (as you can see in the image above.  Note the letting is getting cutoff once the scroll bar pops out)


Long shot, but maybe: In older OSes, if I set the display text/screen in Windows to be > 100%, I would get areas cutoff where things were normally visible at 100%. Any chance you have a Windows setting of greater than 100%?

On my tower, I used Ease-of-Access to boost size to 125% and had a visible working scroll bar. So this is probably not the cause of your issue.

On your nice, large, clear screen shot of the Start Screen, I see several things that look different than my Cakewalk Start Screen.  I am not sure if I picked up son settings from something other than the newest Cakewalk, but mine says "SONAR" where your's says "Let's Get Started."  You have an interior frame underneath the title bar (where it says "Cakewalk Start Screen").

I can see where Let's Get Started is now cutoff (as well as the left edge of the interior section with the frame.  I assume that is because you had to grab the interior and slide it to the left to see the now clearly visible scroll bar.

I am not knowledgeable enough about Windows' GUI (nor how Cakewalk uses it) to make a guess as to why you have a frame inside that you can grab and move, but it seems to me that interior frame should be smaller so it all fits.  Maybe there is a setting that makes it larger and that's why you have a frame and I don't.



Edited by MusicMan11712 (aka Dr. Steve)
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Too late - Already tried it -  mine was set for 125% and now 100% 

The bar became visible and usable.  I can't say that I am enjoying this resolution though . . .   It messed up my  desk top arrangement (fixable)  but the weird thing is now my browser (firefox - bookmarks) is a bit strange (also fixable).

I have run to band practice for the rest of the day so it will be a bit before I get back to the investigation.



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