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Hey Paul

Pretty song, esp the guitar solo. The tempo might be too slow. Seemed to me like the melody and lyrics aren't matching up, like you're trying to stretch out a verse into too many measures.  Other than that, I liked the sentiment which came out nicely.

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Great tune. These ballad type deals are really where vocalists can show their chops. Such a slow pace, with  no where to hide. You do a decent job of it, actually. Do you know of any killer vocalists who might like to dig into this excellent tune? I'd agree on the comments advising you to thicken. 


You have so many sustains in the vocal, you might shorten them? I dunno. Your vocal has a charm to it as it is. 

Kind of depends on what you want to do with this tune.


The ending kind of bailed out on me. MAybe a fade out or something?


No matter what, nice tune.




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Hi Daryl,

Thanks for listening, I will try some harmonies on my next pass. Backing vocals and harmonies really do bring songs to life but I do struggle to come up with these.

Hi Bjorn,

Thanks for your comments, it was fast enough for me when playing the main guitar part all way through believe me ? I take your point about the verse seeming stretched but it worked out that way as I was going for a sort of dirge but in a more positive way.

Hi Tom,

Thank you for taking the time to listen, I like the idea of a fade and will try it next time I get back to this song. I have always thought of my singing as really demo-ing my songs for tune purposes + I am always waiting for a better vocalist to take my place but don't know any who will give it a go - I'll keep searching though.

Thank you all for taking the time to listen and comment it is really appreciated.



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Really like the melody and the arrangement. Nice, gentle, a bit hynpotic. The vocal work wavered a little in some parts, and that did distract me a bit - must be honest about that. However, your voice has a nice timbre to it, and I can see it really working well in this song with a bit more steadiness.

Overall, the vibe of the song was quite charming, and I did enjoy it. 

Edited by Amicus717
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What a very sincere and pretty song!  I love it when that keyboard (?) comes in.  Actually, I think that you have done a right nice job on the vocals.  It is delivered in a very honest style and brings out an image (at least to me) of a guy all by himself declaring his feelings for a special one in front of the whole darn world.  Nicely done mate!!!

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On 1/15/2019 at 3:05 PM, bjornpdx said:

Hey Paul

Pretty song, esp the guitar solo. The tempo might be too slow. Seemed to me like the melody and lyrics aren't matching up, like you're trying to stretch out a verse into too many measures.  Other than that, I liked the sentiment which came out nicely.

I like much about this song, especially the melody.  However, I agree with Bjorn about the tempo;  it could be sped up several bpm and still convey the message well.  I believe it would help the solo vocal by tightening the phrasing and eliminating the long, stretched out syllables of the words.  Otherwise, I've listened to several of your songs over the years, and you guys keep producing better and better mixes.  This one is as loud as any commercial product, so you have mastered that technique over time.  Good luck guys and have a prosperous new year!

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Hi Freddy,

You've hit the nail on the head and got exactly what I was trying to convey.

Hi Wookie,

Glad you like the sound of the guitar + thanks for your suggestion regarding the vocals.

Hi InstrEd,

Thank you for listening and commenting, I'm no expert tweaker either!

Hi Lynn,

Glad to hear from you + I will try a faster tempo on my next pass to see if it suits better.

Thank you all for listening and commenting, it means a lot.



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