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Brent Spiner, Comedic Actor


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50 minutes ago, Rain said:


DS9 would have to be my favorite - characters have so much more depth to them than in other shows... There are a lot of grey areas, shade and light.  Garak is one of my favorite  ST characters and a great example of that.

The Orville is a great show. My wife and I were hooked 5 minutes into the first show.


My exact thoughts on DS9 Rain. And I had forgot about Garak until I was watching the episodes of the first season and he was on the third one I think? Something about the way Andrew Robinson plays Garak that makes him stand out from the ordinary. I think most of the Cardassian's in DS9 are played really well.

My fav Cardasian show (from STTNG) was the one with Jean Luc as a prisoner. (There Are Four Lights!)


Will look up the Orville for sure now!!

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31 minutes ago, Grem said:


My exact thoughts on DS9 Rain. And I had forgot about Garak until I was watching the episodes of the first season and he was on the third one I think? Something about the way Andrew Robinson plays Garak that makes him stand out from the ordinary. I think most of the Cardassian's in DS9 are played really well.

My fav Cardasian show (from STTNG) was the one with Jean Luc as a prisoner. (There Are Four Lights!)


Will look up the Orville for sure now!!

The Four Lights episode is such a gem!

The Cardasians are indeed fascinating. I've always been a fan of Mark Alaimo (Gul Dukat). I remember first noticing him in old episodes of The Incredible Hulk. And Robinson - man...

 A few years ago, our friends dragged us to a convention here in Las Vegas one early morning and as luck would have it, the panel consisted of Andrew Robinson, Mark Alaimo and Casey Biggs (Damar).  Being a huge fan of Cardassians, I was happy that I went.  If I remember correctly, the delightful Chase Masterson, aka Leeta, was the only other panelist that morning. 

I am not much of a groupie-type of person, so I didn't try to meet any of them afterwards, although I did contemplate shaking hands with Robinson when my wife insisted that I should get my picture taken with my favorite character.

The main cast is fine,  and of course I like Shatner, Stewart and all those guys. But to me, those Cardassians as well as a guy like Jeffrey Combs who has played so many memorable characters on most of those shows are the most interesting. 

And then of course, there is Louise Fletcher, aka Kai Winn aka Nurse Ratched. That lady can portray a detestable character like few others. And saying that just reminded me of Brad Dourif's performance on Voyager...  And now I feel like watching Trek again. Oh well... 

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9 minutes ago, ØSkald said:

Enterprise is in fact a show i did enjoy watching again now. So much good action, and less of the stupid PC stereopypes. Voyager is great too. But trey destroyed much with fireing Kes (Jennifer Lien). Just stupid and broke the back of the soul.

It was a real shame Enterprise didn't run for longer.

I enjoyed most of Voyager, but I got a bit tired of "yet another holodeck based episode".

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20 minutes ago, msmcleod said:

It was a real shame Enterprise didn't run for longer.

I enjoyed most of Voyager, but I got a bit tired of "yet another holodeck based episode".

Well they were lost in the Delta quadrant and nothing else to do :) 

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Funny side note here. I got my teen age daughters hooked on Marvel Agents of Shield. My 16 year old is upset that it is not on yet for the season. We are watching from the beginning on Netflix.  So I think to myself, I must be doing something right. My kids want to watch Sci-fi with me :)
Wife is even watching with us?

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8 hours ago, Grem said:


My exact thoughts on DS9 Rain. And I had forgot about Garak until I was watching the episodes of the first season and he was on the third one I think? Something about the way Andrew Robinson plays Garak that makes him stand out from the ordinary.

Mr. Robinson also wrote a Star Trek novel about Garak called "A Stitch in Time." If you like the character of Garak you will really enjoy the book. He traces the history of "Plain and simple" Garak - his childhood, his work in the Obsidian Order, his loves and more. And he writes the book in the same "voice" as Garak in DS9.


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I watched Andromeda but can't remember it. I wouldn't have remembered it had you not mentioned it.


And Rain I feel the same way about the Abrams films. I will watch them, and enjoy them. But they sure are trying to get Star Wars like for sure. I am not a Star Wars fan. I went to the theaters when it first came out years ago, watched it and loved it. I think we went back and watched it several more times too. But I didn't go see the second, or the third, or any episode since.

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3 hours ago, InstrEd said:

Andromeda  is on Comet TV here. I watch it sometimes but I agree after the first season it wasn't all that special.

Was it because this blue girl with the tail (Trance Gemini) went normal? lol.

 But strange no tech companies have jumped on a personal assistance as “Andromeda”, the one in that show.  Not that I would use one now. Now that we know that they collect of data.

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So I went ahead and watched the first few episodes of Discovery - and unfortunately, I seem to agree with many old Trek fans.

Personally, I find it very hard to see past the diversity + identity agenda.  And agenda wrapped in an orgy of special effects.

Obviously, when I mentioned that, it was implied by some people that I was - at least on some level - a racist phallocrat...

So I asked myself... And then I remembered Star Trek Voyager, with not only a female captain but a a cast of 3 very strong women - Janeway, B'Elanna, and Seven of Nine.  Actually, the male parts on the show never seemed as interesting to me.  And the male cast is as racially diverse at is can be. There is no majority vs minority. And I loved that show. Even better than that- not until I though about it again yesterday did I realize that Tom Paris was the only white dude on the bridge. That's how much it bothered me...

I also remembered my favorite show, DS9, with possibly my favorite captain.

And as I was watching the 3rd episode yesterday, I realized that Discovery just is not interesting to me. It's got none of the philosophical debates, none of the moral questioning - it's about the individual, her identity, her inner conflicts. And explosions and big scary Alien types of monsters hiding in a dark ship and tearing people's limbs... This was supposed to be exciting, but it was not even that. Just a boring rehashing of every cliché in the book. 

My opinion - avoid STD. :P

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I saw early on that there were very strong women being portrayed in Star Trek Voyager. And back then I took it as a very positive thing. And they did it so well. Each character had their own story line that contributed to the whole story. Really well written and acted show.


I am on the eleventh episode of DS9. All this talk about it got me wanting to watch it again.  I have been watching one or two episodes a day. I watched an episode with Brian Keith (I get my middle name from him my mother told me) as an old man that Kira got attached to. Really good episode. There was a scene in which Sisko is talking very sternly to Kira as her commander, then takes a pause, steps out of his role and talks to her as a friend and Kira starts to tear up as she comes to realize some deep emotions she has been denying. Powerful stuff. Great acting!


There is another completely different story line going on in that episode that I don't really know if all who watch it catches what was said. Anyway....  

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