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Steinberg & Celemony announce Cubase and Nuendo updates extending ARA support making perfect vocal comping possible

Larry Shelby

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Steinberg has released updates for Cubase and Nuendo which, amongst other things, extends ARA support, making perfect vocal comping possible.

The 10.0.40 maintenance update for the Pro, Artist and Elements versions of Cubase fixes a few minor glitches in the application as well as providing enhancement to several features.

After releasing Nuendo 10.1 that included ARA 2 support, the next maintenance update for Nuendo 10 now includes new video rendering functionality. Alongside this additional capability, Nuendo 10.2 also provides fixes to previously outstanding minor issues as well as improving on several key features.

Extended ARA Support

Comping is a crucial part of modern music production. It involves combining the best segments from multiple takes, e.g. of a vocal performance, to obtain a final track that comes as close to perfection as possible. This is done by comparing the takes and switching to whichever take offers the best performance of each segment (which could be as short as a single syllable). Comping also involves the taking of important musical decisions – a task that is now far more easily accomplished in Cubase and Nuendo.

Thanks to their extended ARA support, you can apply Melodyne to all the takes before finalizing your comping decisions. This means you have all of Melodyne's possibilities at your disposal to edit the segments, selecting at each point in the song the option that is truly the best. Furthermore, not only can you apply Melodyne to the individual segments of each take, but also look beyond the boundaries of any given segment at the entire contents of the take to which it belongs. Discrepancies or overlapping at the crossover points between takes are therefore very easy to eliminate.

Further details regarding ARA integration in the Steinberg DAWs can be found in the Melodyne Help Center.

Users of Cubase or Nuendo who do not yet have Melodyne can try out ARA integration with the Melodyne trial version at: celemony.com/en/trial



Edited by cclarry
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Cubase and Nuendo both require a physical USB-A dongle, so I'll never go near either.

At least Steinberg offered SpectraLayers Pro 6 to use the soft e-Licenser; no dongle required. That was the only reason I went ahead and bought it to upgrade the v4 version that I got with the Samplitude deal when SPlat splatted.

Well, that, and I got WAY tired of waiting for Acon Digital to offer a sale on the Std to Pro upgrade for Acoustica (adds spectral editing and a bunch of other stuff).

So, I just use Std as a standalone audio editor, and have to use SpectraLayers Pro 6 for, wait for it...spectral editing.

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  On 9/10/2019 at 12:20 AM, John Maar said:

Cubase and Nuendo both require a physical USB-A dongle, so I'll never go near either.

At least Steinberg offered SpectraLayers Pro 6 to use the soft e-Licenser; no dongle required. That was the only reason I went ahead and bought it to upgrade the v4 version that I got with the Samplitude deal when SPlat splatted.

Well, that, and I got WAY tired of waiting for Acon Digital to offer a sale on the Std to Pro upgrade for Acoustica (adds spectral editing and a bunch of other stuff).

So, I just use Std as a standalone audio editor, and have to use SpectraLayers Pro 6 for, wait for it...spectral editing.


Currently I only use SpectaLayers v6 as a stand-alone as well. There still are some large barriers to using SLv6 with ARA2 inside of Cubase.  I have yet to try the latest Melodyne as an ARA2 extension in Cubase, but I will over the next several days and report back  


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it works great guyz ... still producing in Sonar and S1 but i jumped in the Cubase wagon for a PT replacmenent and glad i did ...it's just super powerfull and the last addition makes it even more ...

About the dongle , don't ask me how i know ...but word on the street (lol should i say word on the web) says that dongle is gonna be a thing of the past in the future ...

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