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Dr Tele Funk ! New Mix w a Much Better Ending


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Hi Songs Forum  ,

What  we have here is me playing my Tele as a Guitar synth over The Twanger Central Week 211 Backing Track .

This current mix was done Sept 21 1 AM

I also played one of my Jazz Box's just to keep it interesting .

All my keyboard sounds are played by me  using my Guitar and The Jam Origin Midi Guitar 2 Plugin .

All synth sounds were done in real time as per each song section I recorded over  ...I think Midi Guitar 2 tracks very good  .


The links for the backing track and the video of the backing track from the Artist that created it are in my soundcloud description


I Hope you Enjoy ,


Edited by kennywtelejazz
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21 hours ago, David Baay said:

Sweet! Your guitar tone and riffs are superb as usual. I wondered if you had looked into guitar trackers. Must be a lot of fun. 

Hi David ! thanks for  giving this tune a listen and having a kind word to say on my guitar playing . what do you mean by guitar trackers ?

20 hours ago, amiller said:


Thank You .

7 hours ago, FJ Lamela said:

Very good song and great technique.The mix is ok,but the master is not (in my opinion) a little bit overcompresed and saturated.

A great song anyway.


BTW , there is a different master  up than the one you heard , in any case , thanks for the listen ..

5 hours ago, SPAK said:

Bloody hell are you good .... so all good to my ears, could say more like I don't like the ending but hey ...I can start at the begging again LOL

Great work Kenny



Hey Steve ,

I don't like the ending either ...I was desperate to finish at the time ...

Over there they start a song play along thread on a Friday and by Tuesday it's all tumble weeds ..

The main thing is I always have fun when I do these type of things and hopefully I may bring a smile to another musicians face ...

That is the only reason why I post these tunes over here .

I am glad you did like the main gist of what my  guitar playing was doing in those places of the song  you did enjoy .


all the best,




Edited by kennywtelejazz
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23 minutes ago, kennywtelejazz said:

Hi David ! thanks for  giving this tune a listen and having a kind word to say on my guitar playing . what do you mean by guitar trackers ?

Thank You .


BTW , there is a different master  up than the one you heard , in any case , thanks for the listen ..


Hey Steve ,

I don't like the ending either ...I was desperate to finish at the time ...

Over there they start a song play along thread on a Friday and by Tuesday it's all tumble weeds ..

The main thing is I always have fun when I do these type of things and hopefully I may bring a smile to another musicians face ...

That is the only reason why I post these tunes over here .

I am glad you did like the main gist of what my  guitar playing was doing in those places of the song  you did enjoy .


all the best,




Well said my friend .. It's all about the fun .. still think your bloody good though ! (Just bad at endings LOL)

All the best

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On 9/10/2019 at 2:11 PM, SPAK said:

Well said my friend .. It's all about the fun .. still think your bloody good though ! (Just bad at endings LOL)

All the best


I had  lots of bad endings in my real life  ...girls , job's , friends ,housing , the in-laws , the outlaws ,  the good , the bad , the fugly

I so-pose  those experiences are what helped  keep me playing the guitar ( as an outlet and a form of relief  )

Now all my bad endings are pretty much a Beta version of the poor mans song copy protection program ...LOL

Thank you for the kind words you said ...

On 9/11/2019 at 3:14 AM, daryl1968 said:

woah - this is bloody marvelous Kenny

Hi Daryl !

I heartily accept your complement .

thank you , it means a lot coming from you

Then there is the other side of me that knows deep down in my bones I'm just guitar player  # 347,678, 00 out of a pool of 10, 453, 287, 990,00 other guitar players

Whew , it's a good thing I'm not a lawyer ...i always argue both sides of the case.. ouch ...then I will have to change my screen name to Kenny Crane  LOL


On 9/11/2019 at 10:03 AM, Old Joad said:

incredible, You rock !!!

what a nice thing to say . thank you .


On 9/11/2019 at 1:08 PM, Leizer said:

Groovy! Really skilled work putting it all together like this. Loved the jazzy arrangement. The bass sound sounded  a bit wierd (unclear), did you octave it down or used synth sound there as well?

In my Soundcloud song link I posted the original links of the song version  I had to work with .It would be easy for you to compare mine VS the BT.

On this musical performance ,  I added a lot of my own stuff and changed things around .

As far as the weird bass goes I didn't deliberately do anything to alter it ( once again it may or not be embedded in the original track )

I do know that I played a lot of Organ + synth on this tune and I used  a few synths that are new to me ( Voltage Modular )

I did carve the E Q 's on all my synths, also my guitar work on this does go into the lowest octaves of the guitars range ...so who know s ?  

IMHO the main thing is you enjoyed a good deal of what I played guitar wise  on the tune .

thank you for the listen .

4 hours ago, Jim Fogle said:

Nice backing track.  I really enjoy hearing your use of the Jam Orgin Midi Guitar 2 plugin.  This is a great example demonstrating how well the plugin works.

Side question, I'm trying to figure out what web site offers the weekly backing tracks.  I believe it is TDPRI.com, is that correct?


Hi Jim,

You have the right forum . Now all you need the right sub forum .

Over there they call their members song forum "Twanger Central "


People post their own tunes over there like we do here  plus all sort of other things ..ex .. short playing videos and clips .

The cool thing about Twanger Central  is they play over a weekly backing track.  Everybody that feels like playing over the BT posts their playing example of what they have done with the track .

The thread for this weeks BT the one I played over is at over 1100 views .It seems the weekly bt's get good exposure .

The spectrum of players can range from a few guys like me ( they do have some good players ) to casual players that care more about busting a nut on the guitars fret board .

Overall the vibe is generally non competitive , and people give feedback or say what they enjoyed about another players track .

FWIW I never play the   " Hello I'm Inspector # 68 & I'm a legend in my own mind as A  Top Shelf Bedroom  Producer Card "  on them ....LOL

Like I said they  keep it light, non confrontational  and more about the playing ...and enjoyment / fun factor .

It may or not be ones thing , but I find it to be an outlet / a form of fellowship and most time whether I participate or not on a thread submission level I do enjoy having a new backing track to play over ...  

AS far as Jam Origin Midi Guitar 2 goes , Jam Origin  as a company has been very nice to me . I bought the Mac store app version years ago and when I could no longer get or download what I had I contacted Jam Origin and they gave me the full version of Midi Guitar for  both Windows and Mac .

I have been wanting to do videos demonstrating Midi Guitar for a long while ,,,,I had gotten my first guitar synth in 1982 and I have adapted my playing ..

Most folks would be very surprised at how far I can take Midi Guitar as far as a real time performance goes  ..

On this song I played all my guitar parts and synth parts in real time VIA recording my synths not as midi but audio in aux tracks ..

I'm not kidding when I say this Midi Guitar didn't even break a sweat over what I was playing tracking wise ...

nice talking w you


3 hours ago, ABull said:

Hey Kenny, while the track itself could be funkier (think Sugarfoot),  your playing as usual was very good -- I enjoyed your tones and the jazzy lines you constructed.  ~~Allan


Hey Alan  , how are you doing ?

Thank you for the song listen,  plus giving me constructive feed back ..I'm very glad you enjoyed my tone and lines .

all the best ,








Edited by kennywtelejazz
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Great sound, nice punchy and raunchy.  The ending is quirky, not a problem in principle, just that the sax sound is a little weird, and probably needed some stereo widening .. probably.  I have Jam Origin guitar and bass, never used them properly yet, I ought to have a go with them.



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On 9/13/2019 at 6:54 AM, Starise said:

Wow Kenny! I knew you were a good player. Had no idea you were such a good mixer/compo maker.Kudos to you man!

You got da funk!

Hey Tim , 

It's funny I actually spend a good deal of my spare time chopping up  loops and song segments trying to  come up with all sorts of wacky sounds and arrangements  ..

Most of them never see the light of the day...sort of like a musical crossword puzzle  for grins and giggles just to pass the time away .

thanks for the song  listen and having something nice to say about what I did here .

Oh BTW , the  video you did on your porch brought up some real fond memories for me .

When I lived back East  I used to ride my motorcycle to a Village on The Hudson River called Nyack .

In The Village of Nyack over by the water they had a boat launch and a real cool Gazebo . 

Anyway I dubbed this Place The Magic Gazebo . In my mind I turned The Gazebo half into a Universal Transporter and a  Portal with a direct link to being heard and taken seriously by all the Invisible Powers That Be ...

I always felt good when I went there. I spent many a 2 AM there with and w out a date ....I sure miss that place .


all the best ,



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On 9/13/2019 at 10:48 PM, David Sprouse said:

Great Improv on this!  I've always wondered how jazz musicians choose what will go on an album when everything's improvised.  Each take will be different.  Do they just stick with one that's better than the others?

Hi David ,

Thank you for giving my performance a listen ..I love to improvise .

Other Improvisers may have producers and personal that wield power and have the final say as to what  stays and what goes in an Improvised musical performance.

As an unknown Guitar player that holds the  rank of serial  # 3. 726. 444.519 out of a guitar player pool consisting of 8.935.418.876.445 guitar players ...I can do what I want ?

Regarding my Improv's  on this song .  I played the Jazzy Clean Guitar Parts first .

They were done as 2 separate passes  in the order you hear them ..The first clean Benson type of thing , then second ,  the chordal melody .

There were no punch ins and they were played totally improvised on the spot ...there may have been one or two run through s before I printed them to my song .

Generally when I listen to my first attempts at recording over a song   I will listen very hard and be totally distanced from how I feel about the track ...If it does not have what I want to hear it goes in the trash  ....the biggest rule I have for the keepers is I always play something I would love to hear ( regardless of who played it )

Next up were the Telecaster Guitar with the organs ...

Those parts were also improvised as a song section ...Once again i did not comp or use and punch in's for those song segments ..I played each solo to the song in one take ...This is the way I work and it may not be the best solution for others ..I commit to what I am doing , if I don't like something I played I will redo the whole segment ....

I record my guitar this way because I want my solo's to have a sense of urgency w lots of drama and emotion oozing throughout them ..

I'm a firm believer in walking on the razors edge when I play my guitar and I play as if my ***** depends on it ..

(BTW I have nothing against comping or punching in for a little phrase here and there , I'm just more old school and my preference is to be able to play it to record it )

With synth parts ..of course I rehashed them to death until I found something I could live with ...even of that, a lot of folks don't dig what I played ..oh well there is always next time ...

As far as what do I keep and what do I not keep . That is pretty simple . I keep only the performance that tells the emotional story I'm looking to tell .

all the best ,




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