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Where in the sam hill is my post count?



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Stay tuned, we'll come up with a way to conveniently transfer post counts from the old forum for those who'd like to do so. :)

Note however that post counts, transferred or otherwise, won't affect reputation points. Only reactions can increase or decrease reputation points. So be sure to give a positive reaction if you find someone's post helpful! ?


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If only people who ask to have their post counts brought over will have it done, I'd like to politely suggest that the connotations of doing it may not be 100% positive. After all, why do you want everyone else to see how many messages you wrote on another forum?

Do you want people to think that what you write carries more weight? Do you think you deserve more respect because of it?

If it's not a status symbol, then why do you want it there?

If it is a status symbol, are you prepared for the reactions of people who see it and know right away that you asked to have a status symbol put under your handle?

If everyone were going to have their counts brought over, fine, but no way am I asking (mine was only in the hundreds anyway, but still).

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17 hours ago, John said:

I don't know how it would have anything to do with this forum.  If you had a large post count on the old forum and it were brought over here it says nothing about how helpful one has been here. In fact it could be mistaken for quality. 

If it were done it maybe appropriate to note where it came from.  

Agreed, I dont really care on way or the other but kind of strange to drag that old stuff in here to a new board with people with ZERO relationship to the old board. But if people feel that stuff is important to them for some reason I doubt people would mind. Only the ones who care about post numbers will look a them anyway so ...  no harm to the rest of us I guess :)

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Can you bump mine up? My posts, while fewer, were high in quality, so I think my post count should reflect that.

In the interest of fairness (a term that I think was mentioned once or twice when the licensing model was changed) I think there should be a formula, because people who were there longer have an unfair advantage toward getting a higher post count. So how about there be a formula where we average it over a number of years?

Or take the entire number of posts from the old forum and divide them equally among the people who had accounts over there, because it really was collective wisdom.

I'd be in favor of giving LarryC more, because that guy was great about finding all those deals on plug-ins and I want to encourage him.

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As I already alluded to...What matters to me is TIME as a Cakewalk user. Yes it's Bandlab but the idea is still 99% Cakewalk and that is important IMHO.

So we are suppose to forget about old Cakewalk and focus only on new Cakewalk? Why is that a requirement?

My post count was 3044 but that does not show me as a loyal Cakewalk user. My 28 years sure do. Is that a symbol of "puffing my chest"...Nope.

It's just my dedication and support of a product I have used and loved for many, many years.

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4 hours ago, Pathfinder said:

As I already alluded to...What matters to me is TIME as a Cakewalk user. Yes it's Bandlab but the idea is still 99% Cakewalk and that is important IMHO.

So we are suppose to forget about old Cakewalk and focus only on new Cakewalk? Why is that a requirement?

My post count was 3044 but that does not show me as a loyal Cakewalk user. My 28 years sure do. Is that a symbol of "puffing my chest"...Nope.

It's just my dedication and support of a product I have used and loved for many, many years.

oh hey.. just cause I might not agree with you on everything here, doesn't mean I don't respect your opinion. Everyone is different and has different needs, different beliefs, exc.


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17 hours ago, Pathfinder said:

As I already alluded to...What matters to me is TIME as a Cakewalk user. Yes it's Bandlab but the idea is still 99% Cakewalk and that is important IMHO.

So we are suppose to forget about old Cakewalk and focus only on new Cakewalk? Why is that a requirement?

My post count was 3044 but that does not show me as a loyal Cakewalk user. My 28 years sure do. Is that a symbol of "puffing my chest"...Nope.

It's just my dedication and support of a product I have used and loved for many, many years.

I agree 100%.  I saw your previous post about this as well, and hoped someone would pick up on it, but I guess not. ?  My post count at the old forums is only 840, but I have been around longer than a new user, so any support I give could be perceived as more valid than someone with a lower post count (human psychology is a strange thing).  So yeah, I'd like my post count migrated over for that very reason. It does provide context (confidence, trust) for other users.

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Post count and length of usage is irrelevant information to me. If you ask a question and someone answers the question with a solution, how are those things relevant at all? 

People can suck at the product and post like crazy ( maybe that IS why they post so much to begin with? ) or use the system for years without learning more than someone else does in a month. All you need to judge someones input, is the actual input they give. Nothing more is needed. 


However, if people feel that kind of info is important a much better way is to use a ticker like "that answered my question" or something similair to that which build up over time and you can see clearly who answers/solves the most issues, kind of like the choices already in place with the like, thanks etc. 

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