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NI Restructure

Larry Shelby

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57 minutes ago, Zo said:

guyz what makes you think sub ? factual statement or guess ?

I think it's an educated guess since it's happening with so many other software companies. Not factual. They certainly have a reason though. Could be making  a subscription look good through corporate mumbo jumo....(translate that BS), to butter us up for that.


I'm not worrying either way. If they do that I'll stubbornly hang on to what I have that works right now and use other program that allow me to do similar things. I use a lot of stand alone synths and smaller mixes. I don't need the cinematic instrument stacks.

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8 minutes ago, Starise said:

I think it's an educated guess since it's happening with so many other software companies. Not factual. They certainly have a reason though. Could be making  a subscription look good through corporate mumbo jumo....(translate that BS), to butter us up for that.


I'm not worrying either way. If they do that I'll stubbornly hang on to what I have that works right now and use other program that allow me to do similar things. I use a lot of stand alone synths and smaller mixes. I don't need the cinematic instrument stacks.

Ever watch Office Space when they announce the two Bobs are here to help out?   It's the same BS.   People just wanna push the subscription model panic button.   They have to make it sound positive laying off 200 people. 

I'd say them buying Loop Loft has become a sunken cost.   I use to get emails every week before NI bought them.  Every week there was a freebie for buying something. It was a major contributor to GAS.  Not now.


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Unfortunately they have had  a near literal lock on large scale sample library distribution for about 10 years.  If they limit those options to a subscription services, It'll be slim pickings for awhile, and who knows if they will support legacy items. I'm not too confident they will. 

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